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Transform reorder timestamps in dataframe - R


I have the following table in R:

S <- c("A","A","A","B","B","B","C","C","C")
TS <- c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3)
f1 <- c(10,20,30,15,25,35,17,27,37)
p <- c(100,200,300,150,250,350,170,270,370)

df <- data.frame(S, TS, f1, p)

So it looks like that:

S TS f1 p
A 1 10 100
A 2 20 200
A 3 30 300
B 1 15 150
B 2 25 250
B 3 35 350
C 1 17 170
C 2 27 270
C 3 37 370

Now I want to transform my dataframe so that I have unique values for TS (timestamps) for every row and binded my variables right to it, like this:

TS SA_f1 pA SB_f1 pB SC_f1 pC
1 10 100 15 150 17 170
2 20 200 25 250 27 270
3 30 300 35 250 37 370

What is the most elegant way doing this?

CodePudding user response:

You could use:

df %>% group_by(TS) %>% summarise(SA_f1=f1[1], SB_f1=f1[2],SC_f1=f1[3], pA=p[1], pB=p[2], pC=p[3])

# A tibble: 3 x 7
     TS SA_f1 SB_f1 SC_f1    pA    pB    pC
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1     1    10    20    30   100   200   300
2     2    15    25    35   150   250   350
3     3    17    27    37   170   270   370

Differences in result come I think from the fact that the original input differs from what is shown

CodePudding user response:

There is an error in your R code, it should be

TS <- rep(1:3,3)

anyway, a very elegant solution


  TS~S variable,

  TS A_f1 A_p B_f1 B_p C_f1 C_p
1  1   10 100   15 150   17 170
2  2   20 200   25 250   27 270
3  3   30 300   35 350   37 370
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