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What is wrong with my code trying to find longest substring of a string that is in alphabetical orde


I need help on a problem that I am doing in a course. The exact details are below:

Assume s is a string of lower case characters.

Write a program that prints the longest substring of s in which the letters occur in alphabetical order.

For example, if s = 'azcbobobegghakl', then your program should print

"Longest substring in alphabetical order is: beggh"

In the case of ties, print the first substring. For example, if s = 'abcbcd', then your program should print

"Longest substring in alphabetical order is: abc"

I have written some code that achieves some correct answers but not all and I am unsure why.

This is my code

s = 'vettmlxvn'

alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
substring = ""
highest_len = 0
highest_string = ""
counter = 0

for letter in s:
    counter  = 1
    if s.index(letter) == 0:
        substring = substring   letter
        highest_len = len(substring)
        highest_string = substring
        x = alphabet.index(substring[-1])
        y = alphabet.index(letter)
        if y >= x:
            substring = substring   letter
            if counter == len(s) and len(substring) > highest_len:
                highest_len = len(substring)
                highest_string = substring
            if len(substring) > highest_len:
                highest_len = len(substring)
                highest_string = substring
                substring = ""   letter
                substring = ""   letter

print("Longest substring in alphabetical order is: "   highest_string)

When I test for this specific string it gives me "lxv" instead of the correct answer: "ett". I do not know why this is and have even tried drawing a trace table so I can trace variables and I should be getting "ett". Maybe I have missed something simple but can someone explain why it is not working.

I know there are probably easier ways to do this problem but I am a beginner in python and have been working on this problem for a long time.

Just want to know what is wrong with my code.


CodePudding user response:

Alternate Approach

  • Break input string into substrings
  • Where each substring is increasing
  • Find the longest substring


def longest_increasing_substring(s):
    # Break s into substrings which are increasing
    incr_subs = []
    for c in s:
        if not incr_subs or incr_subs[-1][-1] > c:# check alphabetical order of last letter of current
                                                  # string to current letter
            incr_subs.append('')                  # Start new last substring since not in order
        incr_subs[-1]  = c                        # append to last substsring

    return max(incr_subs, key = len)              # substring with max length


for s in ['vettmlxvn', 'azcbobobegghakl', 'abcbcd']:
    print(f'{s} -> {longest_increasing_substring(s)}')


vettmlxvn -> ett
azcbobobegghakl -> beggh
abcbcd -> abc

CodePudding user response:

I solved your Problem with an alternate simpler approach.

You can compare 2 characters like numbers. a comes before b in the alphabet, that means the expression 'a' < 'b' is True

def longest_substring(s):
    # Initialize the longest substring
    longest = ""
    # Initialize the current substring
    current = ""
    # Loop through the string
    for i in range(len(s)):
        if i == 0:
            # If it's the first letter, add it to the current substring
            current  = s[i]
            if s[i] >= s[i-1]:
                # If the current letter is greater than or equal to the previous letter,
                # add it to the current substring
                current  = s[i]
                # If the current letter is less than the previous letter,
                # check if the current substring is longer than the longest substring
                # and update the longest substring if it is
                if len(current) > len(longest):
                    longest = current
                current = s[i]
    # Once the loop is done,
    # check again if the current substring is longer than the longest substring
    if len(current) > len(longest):
        longest = current
    return longest




I haven't figured out what's wrong with your code yet. I will update this if I figured it out.


So commented some stuff out and changed one thing.

Here's the working code:

s = 'vettmlxvn'

alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
substring = ""
highest_len = 0
highest_string = ""
counter = 0

for letter in s:
    counter  = 1
    if s.index(letter) == 0:
        substring = substring   letter
        # highest_len = len(substring)
        # highest_string = substring
        x = alphabet.index(substring[-1])
        y = alphabet.index(letter)
        if y >= x:
            substring = substring   letter
            if counter == len(s) and len(substring) > highest_len:
                highest_len = len(substring)
                highest_string = substring
            if len(substring) > len(highest_string): # changed highest_len to len(highest_string)
                #highest_len = len(substring)
                highest_string = substring
                substring = ""   letter
                substring = ""   letter

print("Longest substring in alphabetical order is: "   highest_string)

You are overwriting highest_string at the wrong time. Only overwrite it if the substrings ends and after checking if it's greater than the longest found before.


Longest substring in alphabetical order is: ett
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