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Use p5js functions with node, npm minification


I am trying to convert a sketch to use node and bundle a distribution js file. My guess is that some of the function names in p5js must be reserved (to combat this I was going to use a development flag so as not to obfuscate the code at least for testing).

In order to encapsulate the code I am using this method:

let sketch = function(p) {
    p.setup = function() {

let myp5 = new p5(sketch);

Everything seems to work fine except I cannot call the show function from inside my particle Class (ReferenceError: noStroke is not defined)

Here is the full js:

let canvasBG;
let particles = [];
let audioFile;
let amplitude;
let vol;
let loaded = false;
let x = 0;
let xoff = 0;
let yoff = 0;

let sketch = function(p) {
    p.setup = function() {
      canvasBG = p.createCanvas(p.windowWidth, p.windowHeight);
      audioFile = p.loadSound("audio/mom.mp3", p.audioLoaded);
      amplitude = new p5.Amplitude();

    p.audioLoaded = function() {
      loaded = true;

    p.draw = function() {
      let nx = p.noise(xoff) * p.windowWidth;
      let ny = p.noise(yoff) * p.windowHeight;
      xoff = xoff   0.01;
      yoff = yoff   0.02;
      vol = amplitude.getLevel();
      let volumeGate = p.map(vol, 0, 1, p.random(5,12), p.random(80, 550));
      if (loaded) {
        let b = new Particle(nx, ny, volumeGate);
        if (volumeGate > 75) {
            canvasBG.background(p.random(255), p.random(255), p.random(255));
        for (let particle of particles) {
        if (particles.length >= 10) {
          particles.splice(0, 1);
      } else {
        x = 0.05;
        p.translate (p.windowWidth - 30, 30);
        p.rect(0, 0, 2, 40, 0.1);
        p.fill(0, 0, 0, x * 3);

class Particle {
  constructor(x, y, r) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.r = r;
  show() {
    noStroke(); // this is throwing an error
    fill(random(0, 255), random(0, 255), random(0, 255), random(100,255));
    ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.r * 2);

let myp5 = new p5(sketch);

You can run the current full demo here: https://editor.p5js.org/lharby/sketches/wPF908tqX

I've tried converting the class to a function and passing in arguments, similarly an object and then attaching a function to the object, but can't seem to get anything to work plus I would rather keep the Class as it is.

How is the best way to go about this?

CodePudding user response:

You're super close!

Because you're using p5 in instance mode, p5 functions (such as noStroke(), fill(), ellipse()) won't be available in the global scope, but through the p reference.

In your class you simply need to pass p as well, similar to how you've already used it with the rest of the code:

class Particle {
  constructor(x, y, r) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.r = r;
  show(p) {
    p.fill(p.random(0, 255), p.random(0, 255), p.random(0, 255), p.random(100,255));
    p.ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.r * 2);

and in draw pass the reference to p5:

for (let particle of particles) {
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