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IIS frequent error, the website often couldn't get on, but ten minutes again


IIS log in every five minutes at a "application pool XXXX beyond the operational restrictions",
Also often report "for the application pool" XXXXXX "providing services in the Process of" Windows Process Activation Service "serious errors in communication,"
View the Windows in the Application log and submit them to communication error will be submitted to the Application when the error, there are three kinds of error:
error application name: w3wp. Exe, version: 7.5.7601.17514, timestamp: 0 x4ce7afa2
Error module name: NTDLL. DLL version: 6.1.7601.23677, timestamp: 0 x589c99e1
Exception code: 0 xc0000005
Error offset: 0 x000000000004f23c
Error process ID: 0 x1e58
Error application startup time: 0 x01d340bc8d06eaf1
Error application path: c: \ Windows \ system32 \ inetsrv \ w3wp exe
Error module path: C: \ Windows \ SYSTEM32 \ NTDLL DLL
Report ID: 75 e7 c94a31 - acbf - 11-9 a79 - f0459259196d

Error application name: w3wp. Exe version: 7.5.7601.17514, timestamp: 0 x4ce7afa2
Error module name: QHWafIISModule. DLL version:, timestamp: 0 x5695fcba
Exception code: 0 xc0000005
Error offset: 0 x00000000002d4b27
Error process ID: 0 x15f0
Error application startup time: 0 x01d340ba0e04c72f
Error application path: c: \ Windows \ system32 \ inetsrv \ w3wp exe
Error module path: C: \ Program Files \ (x86) 360 websafe \ x64 \ QHWafIISModule DLL
Report ID: c3106e83 - e7 acaf - 11-9 a79 - f0459259196d

Error application name: w3wp. Exe version: 7.5.7601.17514, timestamp: 0 x4ce7afa2
Error module name: KERNELBASE. DLL version: 6.1.7601.23677, timestamp: 0 x589c9a27
Exception code: 0 x40010006
Error offset: 0 x000000000001a06d
Error process ID: 0 x1858
Error application startup time: 0 x01d340b267859467
Error application path: c: \ Windows \ system32 \ inetsrv \ w3wp exe
Error module path: C: \ Windows \ system32 \ KERNELBASE DLL
Report ID: 43 bad873 - e7 acad tools - 11-9 a79 - f0459259196d

Website often jammed, but after ten minutes myself again, below is the iis application pool Settings, for a long time, a great god, please help find out what is going on?

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