I tried to plot the function of S11 with different values of Z0e and my code is shown in the following.
Z0e = {120, 240}; Z0o = 60; ZS = 50; ZL = 100;
theta = (Pi/2)*(f/0.92);
Z11 = -I*(Z0e Z0o)*Cot[theta]/2;
Z22 = -I*(Z0e Z0o)*Cot[theta]/2;
Z12 = -I*(Z0e - Z0o)*Csc[theta]/2;
Z21 = -I*(Z0e - Z0o)*Csc[theta]/2;
ABCDpcl = ({
{Z11/Z21, (Z11*Z22 - Z12*Z21)/Z21},
{1/Z21, Z22/Z21}
Apcl = ABCDpcl[[1, 1]];
Bpcl = ABCDpcl[[1, 2]];
Cpcl = ABCDpcl[[2, 1]];
Dpcl = ABCDpcl[[2, 2]];
S11pcl = (Apcl*ZL Bpcl - Cpcl*ZS*ZL - Dpcl*ZS)/(Apcl*ZL Bpcl
Cpcl*ZS*ZL Dpcl*ZS);
Plot[20*Log[Abs[S11pcl]], {f, 0, 4}, PlotRange -> {-50, 0},
Frame -> {{True, False}, {True, False}},
FrameLabel -> {{"S11 (dB)", None}, {"Frequency (GHz)", None}}]
Below is my result.
Less elegant alternatives: evaluating the function twice
Plot[{First[20*Log[Abs[S11pcl]]], Last[20*Log[Abs[S11pcl]]]}, {f, 0, 4},
PlotRange -> {-50, 0}, Frame -> {{True, False}, {True, False}},
FrameLabel -> {{"S11 (dB)", None}, {"Frequency (GHz)", None}},
PlotLegends -> Automatic]
or using Table
and ListPlot
out = Table[Prepend[20*Log[Abs[S11pcl]], f], {f, 0.01, 4, 0.01}];
ListLinePlot[{out[[All, {1, 2}]], out[[All, {1, 3}]]},
PlotRange -> {-50, 0}, Frame -> {{True, False}, {True, False}},
FrameLabel -> {{"S11 (dB)", None}, {"Frequency (GHz)", None}},
PlotLegends -> Automatic]