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Extracting a string from a nested dictionary in presto


I have data that looks like this:

WITH raw_string AS (
    SELECT '{
        ,"1043183892945050":{"__time__":"1657740228","subquestions":"[\"Kick-off call\",\"Creative presentation\",\"Design Sessions\",\"Final deliverables (assets)\"]","__qtype__":"ratingmatrix"}
        ,"3184511478430353":{"__time__":"1657740228","subquestions":"[\"Making ads for Meta platforms\",\"Producing video content\",\"Applying mobile creative best practices\"]","__qtype__":"ratingmatrix"}
        ,"481522393704422":{"__time__":"1657740228","translation":"Total Bet","__qtype__":"text"}
        ,"1091749101368816":{"__time__":"1657740228","translation":"The collaborative work","__qtype__":"text"}
        }' AS question_context

SELECT * FROM raw_string

I'd like to extract "subquestions" into separate rows (in an sql table): -- Making ads for Meta platforms -- Producing video content -- Applying mobile creatives best...

I have a tried a few functions json_extract_scalar, and Map functions etc, but I didn't succeed.

Thanks in advance for your help.

So the thing I was doing, which is a bit convoluted and leads to an incorrect solution is this:

WITH raw_string AS (
    SELECT *
     (VALUES ('{
        ,"1043183892945050":{"__time__":"1657740228","subquestions":"[\"Kick-off call\",\"Creative presentation\",\"Design Sessions\",\"Final deliverables (assets)\"]","__qtype__":"ratingmatrix"}
        ,"3184511478430353":{"__time__":"1657740228","subquestions":"[\"Making ads for Meta platforms\",\"Producing video content\",\"Applying mobile creative best practices\"]","__qtype__":"ratingmatrix"}
        ,"481522393704422":{"__time__":"1657740228","translation":"Total Bet","__qtype__":"text"}
        ,"1091749101368816":{"__time__":"1657740228","translation":"The collaborative work","__qtype__":"text"}
        }')) AS question_cntxt(questions_context)

    SELECT * FROM raw_string
    CROSS JOIN UNNEST(questions_context) AS t(qn_id, sub_qn)
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(sub_qn) as t(category, _values)
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(SPLIT(_values, ',')) AS t(_levels)

I come close to what am trying to do, but I end up with a lot more rows than I need. I think I'm getting closer though.

The thing am really trying to do is put together a datasets of questions and answers. I want to pair them up together nicely.

The data looks like this::

    SELECT *
     (VALUES ('{
        ,"1043183892945050":{"__time__":"1657740228","subquestions":"[\"Kick-off call\",\"Creative presentation\",\"Design Sessions\",\"Final deliverables (assets)\"]","__qtype__":"ratingmatrix"}
        ,"3184511478430353":{"__time__":"1657740228","subquestions":"[\"Making ads for Meta platforms\",\"Producing video content\",\"Applying mobile creative best practices\"]","__qtype__":"ratingmatrix"}
        ,"481522393704422":{"__time__":"1657740228","translation":"Total Bet","__qtype__":"text"}
        ,"1091749101368816":{"__time__":"1657740228","translation":"The collaborative work","__qtype__":"text"}
        '{"1043183892945050":["Very satisfied","Very satisfied","Very satisfied","Very satisfied"]
        ,"1091749101368816":["All participants are engaging and open to feedback. The agency is ready to accept suggestions and proactively suggest ideas as well."]
        ,"1115358562640462":["5 - Very Satisfied"],"2629866570491655":["Yes",null,null]
        ,"3184511478430353":["Somewhat confident","Somewhat confident","Somewhat confident"]
        ,"386574019969974":["NA"],"392599788967548":["Asia Pacific (APAC)"],"481522393704422":["Genero"]
        )) AS question_cntxt(questions, answers)

SELECT * FROM raw_string

I want to create a table where in the end I have a question:

|qn_id           | category.           |Answer          |
|1043183892945050|Kick-off call.       | Very Satisfied.|
|1043183892945050|Creative presentation| Very satisfied |
|1043183892945050|Design sessions.     | Very satisfied |
|1043183892945050|Final deri.          | very sat.      |

I was trying to take a shot at it one column at a time

CodePudding user response:

After fixing the json (the first property for some reason contains mailformed array, not another json object), you can do next:

WITH raw_string AS (
    SELECT '{
        ,"1043183892945050":{"__time__":"1657740228","subquestions":"[\"Kick-off call\",\"Creative presentation\",\"Design Sessions\",\"Final deliverables (assets)\"]","__qtype__":"ratingmatrix"}
        ,"3184511478430353":{"__time__":"1657740228","subquestions":"[\"Making ads for Meta platforms\",\"Producing video content\",\"Applying mobile creative best practices\"]","__qtype__":"ratingmatrix"}
        ,"481522393704422":{"__time__":"1657740228","translation":"Total Bet","__qtype__":"text"}
        ,"1091749101368816":{"__time__":"1657740228","translation":"The collaborative work","__qtype__":"text"}
        }' AS question_context

SELECT subquestion
    SELECT map_values( -- get values which is in turn array of maps
        map_filter( -- get only records with subquestions
            cast(json_parse(question_context) as map(varchar, map(varchar, varchar))),
            (k, v)->element_at(v, 'subquestions') is not null
    ) mp_arr
    FROM raw_string
) p
, unnest(mp_arr) as t(mp) -- unnest array of maps
, unnest(cast(json_parse(mp['subquestions']) as array(varchar))) as tt(subquestion) -- 'subquestions' are double encoded so need to decode them


Kick-off call
Creative presentation
Design Sessions
Final deliverables (assets)
Making ads for Meta platforms
Producing video content
Applying mobile creative best practices
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