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Vi plug-in installation problems, taglist cscope, winmanager


I use ubuntu server18.04, after installed, I want to configure the vi editor, for the view data tutorial have a ctags, taglist, WinManager cscope, and view the online tutorial materials in the configuration vimrc
But there have been some problems,
Ctags no problem, you can use,
Taglist can also be used, but because is filled with ubuntu server, without a mouse, to select the tag, only set properties
Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen, open access focus can be selected in the first place, want to get focus can only then shut, open again, is there a command of what can be selected to focus directly into the taglist???????????

Then WinManager, I extract in vim. File, and add in the vimrc
Let g: winManagerWindowLayout='FileExplorer | TagList'
Nmap wm: WMToggle

According to the tutorial data into the vi by clicking on the wm, there is no reaction, and only on the vi command: e ~/enter, but is not associated with Taglist to

After is cscope,
I added in the vimrc
If has (" cscope ")
The set CSPRG=/usr/local/bin/cscope
The set csto=0
The set CST
The set nocsverb
"Add any database in the current directory
If filereadable (" cscope. Out ")
Cs add cscope. Out
"The else add database pointed to by the environment
Elseif $CSCOPE_DB!=""
The set csverb

After the vi command line type: cs find g XXX
Show no escope connection
I see some people say that cs add cscope out path to write all,
After I wrote this cs/add/usr/XXX XXX/cscope out/,/home/XXX
But still show
No escope connection

I hope the great god, thank you
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