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Linux operating system basic instructions


Switch CD catalogue CD.. Return to the days directory
The PWD displays the absolute path of
Ls display list directory or file
The ls - a real hidden directory or file
Ls -r recursively displays directory or file
Ls -t show directory or file in chronological order
Ls -l displays detailed information directory or file
Ls -f display file type
R read write access permissions w x execute permissions - without permission
G u owner a group of people o others all
Chmod modify permissions + - to modify repeatedly use commas
The mkdir create directory - p to create files in the file
Touch to create a directory
Cp copying files cp -r replication directory
Cp copy a file to another file name the same cover content
Mobile rename does not exist is renamed mv
Man command to use manual
Space next b f back q exit/string searching information in front of n under a string of
Rm deleting files rm - r delete directory - f mandatory delete - I asked whether delete
The ifconfig -a find IP address
Sudu passwd + user name change passwords
Su + user name switch user

* on behalf of one or more characters
? On behalf of any one character
[] said closed interval can include a range of
; Can connect two commands
| will be the result of the previous instruction transmitted to the back of the command to execute
| more paging view information operations like manual
CAL display calendar month during the first year in the
The cat & gt; File name written to cover
The cat & gt;> File name additional written
Gedit display file content (the desktop) is equal to the mouse click
The cat display text content (in virtual machine)
The cat + + & gt; two or more files + ~/filename combine two or more files into one file
The cat/dev/null & gt; Empty file content
The tar - CVF compressed files to create backup file specified v f c details process
Tar XVF - x from the backup file to restore fv ditto
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