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angular filtering products based on selected category, where categories in Products is an array


I have a list of Food Products assigned to multiple categories and a specific vendor. example:

product data

I am pre-filtering the products based on logged in vendor. after that I want to filter the products based on categories clicked.

I am able to achieve this someway, but it is not a nice way to filter I believe. for prefiltering I am using this code in constructor:

this.foodItemCollection = this.afs.collection<FoodItem>('foodItems');
    this.foodItems = this.foodItemCollection.valueChanges({ id: 'id'}).pipe(
      map(foodItems => foodItems.filter(result => result.vendorName == this.currentUserName))

after that on clicking the categories like fastfood, seafood, chinese etc I am calling categoryFilter() function. the code of this function is like this:

    this.foodItems = this.foodItemCollection.valueChanges({ id: 'id'}).pipe(
      map(foodItems => foodItems.filter(result => 
        (((result.categories[0]==foodCategory.categoryName) || (result.categories[1]==foodCategory.categoryName))
        && (result.vendorName==this.currentUserName))
    return this.foodItems;

there are multiple problems with this approach. 1.This is making a duplicate request to fetch the products which are already fetched. 2.If product contains more than 2 categories, it will fail.

CodePudding user response:

Create a single function that is called on ngOnInit and during valueChanges like so

justFilter() {
// assuming your using reactive forms.
const { foodCategory, itemName } = this.formGroup.value;
this.foodItems = this.foodItemCollection.valueChanges({ id: 'id' }).pipe(
  map((foodItems) =>
      (result) =>
        result.vendorName == this.currentUserName &&
        //filter using multiple values here!
          ? result.categories.includes(foodCategory.categoryName)
          : true) && 
          (itemName ? itemName === result.itemName : true)
        // && and so on, you can write as many filters as you want!


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