Home > OS >  Can someone help me make my custom Context Menu position next to my curser?
Can someone help me make my custom Context Menu position next to my curser?


As said, i'd need some help on my custom context menu, maybe some litle tweeks here and there, or a new idea of how to solve the problem Or a better approach to this problem. (The HTML and CSS sould stay somewhat the same if its possible).

[I don't know, what I should type, but stack overflow said, I should write more because there is so much code, so just ignore this text here in the square brackets.]


    <!-- ----------------------------------------- [CONTEXT MENU] ----------------------------------------- -->
    <div id="context-menu">
        <div  id="context-menu-title">
        <div  id="context-menu-home" onm ouseleave="contextMenuHome_notActive()"
            onm ouseenter="contextMenuHome_active()">
            <a href="/index.html"><i ></i>Home</a>
        <div  id="context-menu-contact" onm ouseleave="contextMenuContact_notActive()"
            onm ouseenter="contextMenuContact_active()">
            <a href="/kontakt.html"><i ></i>Kontakt</a>
        <div  id="context-menu-link" onm ouseleave="contextMenuLinks_notActive()"
            onm ouseenter="contextMenuLinks_active()">
            <a href="/link.html"><i ></i>Links</a>
        <div id="context-menu-datenschutz" >
            <a id="item-datasafety-lock-open" href="/datenschutz.html"><i
            <a id="item-datasafety-lock-closed" href="/datenschutz.html"><i ></i>Datenschutz</a>


/*--------------- [CONTEXT MENU] ---------------*/

#context-menu {
    position: fixed;
    z-index: 10000;
    width: 150px;
    background: #494949;
    transform: scale(0);
    transform-origin: top left;
    margin-top: 50px;
    margin-left: 2.5px;

#context-menu h1 {
    font-size: 1.5rem;
    margin: 0;
    margin-left: 5px;
    font-weight: 600;

#context-menu h1::before {
    content: " ";
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    bottom: 145px;
    background-color: #e91e63;
    height: 2px;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    width: 150px;
    margin-top: 5px;

#context-menu.active {
    transform: scale(1);
    transition: transform 200ms ease-in-out;

#context-menu .item {
    padding: 8px 10px;
    font-size: 15px;
    color: #eee;

.item-title {
    padding: 8px 10px;
    font-size: 15px;
    color: #eee;

#item-datasafety-lock-closed {
    display: none;
    transition: all 0.5s ease;

#item-datasafety-lock-open {
    transition: all 0.5s ease;

#context-menu-datenschutz:hover #item-datasafety-lock-closed {
    display: block;

#context-menu-datenschutz:hover #item-datasafety-lock-open {
    display: none;

#context-menu .item:hover {
    background: #555;

#context-menu .item a {
    color: #ffffff;
    text-decoration: none;

#context-menu .item i {
    display: inline-block;
    margin-right: 5px;
    margin-left: 10px;

#context-menu hr {
    margin: 2px;
    border-color: #555;


//----------------------------------------- [CONTEXT MENU] -----------------------------------------

const hoverContacts = document.getElementById("contextMenuContact")

window.addEventListener("contextmenu", function (event) {
    var contextElement = document.getElementById("context-menu");
    contextElement.style.top = event.offsetY   "px";
    contextElement.style.left = event.offsetX   "px";

window.addEventListener("click", function () {

function contextMenuHome_active() {
    document.getElementById("context-menu-home").innerHTML = '<a href="/index.html"><i  ></i>Home</a>'

function contextMenuHome_notActive() {
    document.getElementById("context-menu-home").innerHTML = '<a href="/index.html"><i  ></i>Home</a>'

function contextMenuContact_active() {

    document.getElementById("context-menu-contact").innerHTML = `            <a onm ouseout="contextMenuContact_notActive" onm ouseover="contextMenuContact_active" href="/kontakt.html"><i  style=" --fa-bounce-start-scale-x: 1; --fa-bounce-start-scale-y: 1; --fa-bounce-jump-scale-x: 1; --fa-bounce-jump-scale-y: 1; --fa-bounce-land-scale-x: 1; --fa-bounce-land-scale-y: 1; --fa-bounce-rebound: 0;" ></i>Kontakt</a>`


function contextMenuContact_notActive() {

    document.getElementById("context-menu-contact").innerHTML = `            <a onm ouseout="contextMenuContact_notActive" onm ouseover="contextMenuContact_active" href="/kontakt.html"><i ></i>Kontakt</a>`


function contextMenuLinks_active() {
    document.getElementById("context-menu-link").innerHTML = '<a href="/link.html"><i ></i>Links</a>'

function contextMenuLinks_notActive() {
    document.getElementById("context-menu-link").innerHTML = '<a href="/link.html"><i ></i>Links</a>'

Thank you for your Support!

CodePudding user response:

Updated, try something like this maybe. Just a warning, it's most likely not very compatible across browsers.

See answers: How to disable right-click context-menu in JavaScript

// html
<body oncontextmenu="handleOnContextMenu()">...</div>

// maybe you can set it on oyur div as well, im not sure to be honest 
<div  oncontextmenu="handleOnContextMenu()">...</div>

// js
function openCustomContext(x, y) {
  const yourCtxElement = document.getElementById('ctx-menu')
  yourCtxElement.style.top = y   'px';
  yourCtxElement.style.left = x   'px';

function handleOnContextMenu(e) {

  const x = e.clientX;
  const y = e.clientY;

  openCustomContext(x, y)

Or you could add it like this as a listener:

window.addEventListener('contextmenu', function (e) { 

  // get your X/Y here...
  const x = e.clientX;
  const y = e.clientY;
  openCustomContext(x, y);
}, false);
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