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Add new line after four commas in string


Since I'm not able to find a solution to this problem I'm going to post here a question, hoping someone will help me.

I have a string like this "One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, ..." and I need to find a way to insert a new line (\n) after the fourth comma, in this case "One, Two, Three, Four, \n Five, Six, ...".

And this is the code I'm trying to use

for (letters in ingredients.toString()) {
     var commasCount = 0

     if (letters.toString() == ",") {

         if (commasCount == 4) {
            ingredients.toString().replace(",", "\n")


This is my code now, no errors, no warnings but the output is now like this "[Ljava.lang.String@1c7172b" instead of the ingredients, what am I missing now ?


database.collection("Pizze").whereEqualTo("section", sectionNumber).get()
            .addOnCompleteListener {result ->
                if (result.isSuccessful) {
                    for (document in result.result) {
                        val name = document.data["_name"].toString()
                        val price = document.data["price"].toString()
                        val section = document.data["section"].toString()

                        var ingredients = arrayOf(document.data["ingredients"].toString()
                            .replace("[", "")
                            .replace("]", "")).toString()

                        var commasCount = 0
                        for (letters in ingredients.indices) {

                            if (ingredients[letters].toString() == ",") {

                                if (commasCount == 4) {
                                    commasCount = 0
                                    ingredients = arrayOf(ingredients.replaceRange(letters, letters   2, ", \\n ")).toString()

                        data.add(PizzaViewModel(name, price, section, arrayOf(ingredients)))
                        data.sortBy { it.name }
                        val adapter = PizzaCustomAdapter(data, baseContext)
                        recyclerView.adapter = adapter

Thanks in advance to everyone that will try to help me.

CodePudding user response:

You could do this

fun main() {
    val string = "One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine"
    val result = string.split(", ")
        .joinToString("\n") { it.joinToString(", ") }


One, Two, Three, Four
Five, Six, Seven, Eight

CodePudding user response:

couple of issues with your code:

  • replace returns new string
  • var commasCount = 0 should be outside loop
  • commasCount should be reset once reached 4

try this out:

var ingredients = "One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six"
var commasCount = 0
for (letters in ingredients.indices) {

    if (ingredients[letters].toString() == ",") {

        if (commasCount == 4) {
            commasCount = 0
            ingredients = ingredients.replaceRange(letters, letters   2, ", \n")

Output will be:

One, Two, Three, Four,
Five, Six, Two, Three
Four, Five, Six

UPDATE: convert it to array after adding new line

database.collection("Pizze").whereEqualTo("section", sectionNumber).get()
            .addOnCompleteListener {result ->
                if (result.isSuccessful) {
                    for (document in result.result) {
                        val name = document.data["_name"].toString()
                        val price = document.data["price"].toString()
                        val section = document.data["section"].toString()

                        var ingredients = document.data["ingredients"].toString()
                            .replace("[", "")
                            .replace("]", "")

                        var commasCount = 0
                        for (letters in ingredients.indices) {

                            if (ingredients[letters].toString() == ",") {

                                if (commasCount == 4) {
                                    commasCount = 0
                                    ingredients = ingredients.replaceRange(letters, letters   2, ", \n")

                        data.add(PizzaViewModel(name, price, section, arrayOf(ingredients)))
                        data.sortBy { it.name }
                        val adapter = PizzaCustomAdapter(data, baseContext)
                        recyclerView.adapter = adapter

CodePudding user response:


ingredients.toString().replace(",", "\\n")
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