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show information in column depending on whether it is an adult or a child SQL


I have two tables in my SQL database:

Table 1: Person:

Application NoPerson Name Lastname Salary DateofBirth
01 01 name1 lastname1 2000 1990-03-03
01 02 name2 lastname2 NULL 2010-01-01
02 01 name1 lastname1 2000 1993-03-03
02 02 name2 lastname2 NULL 2012-01-01

Table 2 : EducationInfo:

Application NoPerson schoolgrade school goals
01 02 8. grade St. Luis Be Engineer
02 02 3. grade norcross Be Professor

I need to make a query that returns something like this: If the person is an adult, then show in column occupation his salary. And if it is a child, then show in same column the school grade.

Like this:

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

Try to use something like this:

select ...., coalesce(p.Salary, e.schoolgrade) as ocupation
from Person p
left join EducationInfo e on e.Aplication=p.Aplication and e.NoPerson=p.NoPerson 

We join two tables and then show in ocupation column value Salary or schoolgrade depending on Salary is null or not.

CodePudding user response:

thaks for help, i does this finally

Select *,
(P.Salary=0)THEN e.schoolgrade
END AS Ocupation
FROM v_APP_Person AS P
LEFT JOIN v_APP_Education  AS e ON p.Aplication= e.Aplication and p.NoPerson=e.NoPerson 
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