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Linux test consult


Project background:
A company to establish information system because business grows need, demand for hardware platform is put forward as follows: company employees can connect to the system at any time and place, each employee has their own independent storage space, can save all kinds of information, can share some WEB pages, images, video, etc., the system takes 365 days online availability (99.9%), can build based on Java, JSP, Servlet, Spring, Hibernate, JDBC, MySQL WEB technologies such as customer management platform, product display platform, system platform using renting public cloud server implementation,
Job requirements:
Linux server: 1. (10) configuration software for CentOS 6 (RedHat6) above version, add 5 disk on the virtual machine, sda capacity of 200 m, sd each 10 g/b - e capacity, sda disk corruption to mount the/boot file system, sd/b - e four disk using Linux configuration soft Raid5 way disk array/dev/md0, use LVM partition management, create the PV/dev/md0, create a VG vg0, create LV lv0, capacity (20 g), mount/, capture the save operation result,
2. (10 points) installation is complete, restart the server and set the fire wall, open FTP 21, 22, SSH HTTP 80, HTTPS, 443, 3306, MySQL Tomcat, 8009, 8080 ports, such as Tomcat SeLinux is set to Disabled (Disabled) strategy pattern (modify/etc/SeLinux/config), capture the save operation result,
3. (10 points) in the root user's home directory set up Shell Script Script createusers. Sh, batch to create user, for "user name Chinese pinyin name + number" for the students, the number of users 9 people, the password for "P @ ssw0rd + student id," user groups as "gzqy", capture the save operation result,
4. (5) the program folder in the root user's home directory, set up file in folder with touch command "student name pinyin. Exe", use chattr command to "student name pinyin. Exe files to add" s hidden attributes, and use the chmod command will "student name pinyin. Exe" attribute to "users can read, write, and execute, group users can read and execute, other users can only execute", use the cp command to "student name pinyin. Exe file is copied to the/home folder, capture the save operation result,
5. (10 points) in the root directory, head of the household in pipeline operation & gt;> Save command results, respectively with partition fdisk - l to save command will result in fdisk. Dat, RAID management for mdadm -- to save the detail command will result in for mdadm. Dat, volume management command pvdisplay, vgdisplay, lvdisplay add three results are deposited in the volumn. Dat file, screenshot save operation result,
6. (5 points) for the server to configure the network, set up the network card for static IP, the IP address is set to " XX (XX for Windows host IP last two)", the subnet mask, DNS " and", capture the save operation result,
7. (5 points) configuration yum package installer, modify the file vim/etc/yum repos. D/CentOS_Media. Repo to enabled="1", "gpgcheck=0", the source of yum configuration for the local DVD source (file:///media/cdrom), capture the save operation result,

8. (5 points) using df - h command to view the current hard disk hardpoints content, the df command results pipe & gt;> Saved in the root directory df. Dat file, capture the save operation result,
9. (10 points) using yum install Apache server (yum install HTTPD), VSFTP server (yum install VSFTPD), with "service HTTPD start" and "service VSFTPD start" to start the WWW and FTP server, and the firewall Settings using the command "setsebool - P httpd_disable_trans on" and "setsebool -p ftpd_disable_trans on" open access HTTPD and VSFTPD, capture the save operation result,
10. (5 points) FTP server configuration, disable anonymous login, modify the configuration file/etc/VSFTP/VSFTPD. Conf file, set the anonymous_enable=NO disables anonymous login and restart VSFTPD server (service VSFTPD restart), test the average user user01 can correct login FTP and to create folders, upload files and capture the save operation result,
11. (10 points) using useradd command to create user "zhangsan + student number two and lisi + student id after two", modify the user directory attribute was $705, to create "/home/zhangsan + student id after two/public_html" and "/home/lisi + student id after two/public_html" directory, and chown modify owner respectively "zhangsan + student number two" and "after lisi + student number two," added three more test file to the directory (touch, vi or upload, etc.), complete personal page directory configuration, restart the HTTPD server (service HTTPD restart), ensure that the browser can open a personal web page, correct screenshot save operation result,
12. (5 points) using yum tools to install the MYSQL database (yum install MYSQL, yum install MYSQL server, yum install MYSQL - devel), the JAVA virtual machine (JDK) (yum install JAVA -- 1.8.0 comes with its *), capture the save operation result,
13. (5) use the chkconfig command will HTTPD, VSFTPD, mysqld is set to in 3 and 5 mode with the server automatically start, capture the save operation result,
14. (5 points) in the Windows explorer window login FTP server, upload and install and start Tomcat Java application server, enter the upload the user home directory, use the tar - XZVF command unzip Tomcat installation package, and the mv apache Tomcat - 9.0.8. Tar. Gz/usr/Tomcat command will move Tomcat folder to/usr folder, enter/usr/bin subfolders under Tomcat folder, use the "./catalina. Sh start "script commands start Tomcat Java application server, in Windows browser address bar enter the server IP address" "test server is properly installed,
15. To submit a job requirement, please copy the folder where the virtual machine to the U disk, and the folder name with "student number + name" naming, hand in your homework with U disk, screenshot save operation result,

CodePudding user response:

Add q5489085176 is willing to help

CodePudding user response:

refer to 1st floor soldier GAO reply:
there are willing to help add q5489085176

Is q2489085176

CodePudding user response:

I want to ask next, what is this Linux test?

CodePudding user response:

reference Garenliu reply: 3/f
I want to ask next, what is this Linux test?

The final exam, this is our school,

CodePudding user response:

If answers are on the subject.. The other will knock some command..
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