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Windows 7 by modifying the registry to hide under the drive, not through the restart explorer. Exe can take effect immediately? Now I through the restart explorer. Exe can be achieved, but the screen will flash once, want to through other ways to realize, has a way of SendMessageTimeout online, but bad to use, not much said, now will all code list:
Int MAX_SIZE=100;
Hkeys hkeys;
Char szBuf [80].
DWORD dwDword;
Long lRet;
"Software \ \ Microsoft \ \ Windows \ \ CurrentVersion \ \ Policies \ \ Explorer",
& Hkeys);
Return FALSE;
DWORD bt=0;
Bt |=(DWORD) (1 & lt; & lt; Logicdisk);
DWORD dwSize=4;
RegSetValueEx (hkeys,
(LPBYTE) & amp; Bt
, sizeof (DWORD));
RegCloseKey (hkeys);
//restartExplorer ();
DWORD dwResult;
DWORD valueError=SendMessageTimeout (HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SETTINGCHANGE, 0, LPARAM (" Policy "), SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 5000, & amp; DwResult);
Return ret.
CodePudding user response:
His first capCodePudding user response:
Impossible, you have to restart the explorer to work