Home > OS >  Why am I not reading the first member of the class when I point to the object with a pointer?
Why am I not reading the first member of the class when I point to the object with a pointer?


I'm experimenting with smart pointers and I wrote the code below:

struct Buffer
    char Data[128];

class SmartPtr {
    char * dataPtr;

    SmartPtr(Buffer& b)
        dataPtr = b.Data;

        cout << "desctructor called" << endl;

    void operator=(Buffer & b)
        dataPtr = b.Data;

    char*& operator*()
        return dataPtr;

I though that when using a pointer of the same type as the type of the first member of a class I can access that member.
What I'm trying to do is accessing dataPtr by getting the address of the object p.
I'm expecting p and dataPtr to have the same address.

The following code prints garbage.

static Buffer buff;

int main(void)
    strcpy(buff.Data, "Hello world");

    SmartPtr p = buff;
    char* s = (char*)&p;
    cout << "Data: " << s << endl;
    return 0;


Data: Ç☺┴─≈
desctructor called

If I change that to a double pointer I get the expected result

static Buffer buff;

int main(void)
    strcpy(buff.Data, "Hello world");

    SmartPtr p = buff;
    char** s = (char**)&p;
    cout << "Data: " << *s << endl;
    return 0;


Data: Hello world
desctructor called

Is it because with a single pointer I dereference the address of the actual pointer as a variable instead of the address it contains?

CodePudding user response:

In the first code, you are taking the address of p (and thus the address of p.dataPtr), casting it to char*, and then printing it as-is. So, operator<< is misinterpreting the raw memory of p itself as-if it were a null-terminated string, which it is not, so you get garbage.

In the second code, you are taking the address of p (and thus the address of p.dataPtr), casting it to char**, dereferencing it to access its value as a char*, and then printing that. So, operator<< is printing the data that p.dataPtr is pointing at as a null-terminated string, which it is, so you get the correct result.

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