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How do I get the event parameters and show them as the value of the HTML input box?



When I choose a row number in the Select box, I want to put the value of the input text box of HTML.

But my cord doesn't work normally.

When I check with the console window, the error Uncaught eval keeps popping up and it doesn't work.

This is the code I wrote.

First, the HTML file with the Row Select Box. enter image description here


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <base target="_top">

     Header row
    <select name="rowNum" id="rowNum"onchange="google.script.run.setValue()"
        <option value="none" selected>Please select a row</option>
        <?!= options ?>

    Select the row with the field title of the data to export.

    <button onclick='prevPage()'>prev</button>
    <button onclick='nextPage()'>next</button>
    <button onclick='insertData()'>insert Data</button>

      var headerRow = document.getElementById("rowNum");
      headerRow.onchange = function(){

      var valueToInsert = localStorage.getItem("selectObjToInsert");  

      function prevPage() {

      function insertData() {

      function nextPage() {


When selecting Row Number in the Select box,

I want to take the value in the Row from the spreadsheet and put it in the input text box in HTML.

File with input textbox.

export_MatchingField enter image description here

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <base target="_top">
    <? var value= matchingField(headerRowToInsert); ?>
    <? for(var i=0;i<value.length;i  ){?>
    <div style="margin-top:5px;">
      <input type="text" id ="textValue" name='textValue' value = <?= value[i] ?>>
    <? } ?>

    <button onclick='prevPage()'>Prev</button>

      var textBoxes = document.querySelectorAll('[id^=textValue]');
      var textToWrite;
      for(var i in textBoxes){
        textToWrite = textBoxes[i].value;

      var headerRowToInsert = localStorage.getItem("selectRowNum");  

      function prevPage() {

The following is a gs file that matches the fields.

I took the field name from the outside and compared it to the line in the Google

spreadsheet, so that it will be displayed when it matches.


function matchingField(e){
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
  var LastRow = ss.getLastRow();
  var LastCol = ss.getLastColumn();
  var runningLog = '<br>Uploaded following:<br><br>';
  //e => Value obtained from row select box
  var [header, ...values] = ss.getRange(e,1,LastRow,LastCol).getValues(); 

  var url = 'example.com';
  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url,getUrlFetchOptions());
  var json = response.getContentText();
  var data = JSON.parse(json);
  var dataSobjectsField = data.fields;

  var arr = []
  dataSobjectsField.map(l => {
    var sfObjList = l.name;

  for(var i=0 ; i<[header,...values][0].length;i  ){
      return [header,...values][0]
      //select fiend name

The following is a function that takes the value of the mathing field

and runs it as a sidebar in Google Apps script.


function setValue(e){
  var html = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('export_matchField');
  html.value = matchingField(e);
  var h = html.evaluate()
        .setTitle('DG Connector')

desired result When selecting the value of the header row select box, I would like to take the value

that matches the row number and put it as the value of the input text box.

A situation in which the event parameter is not present, it is executed,

but not when it is present.

I haven't solved it for days.

Also, onchage does not run. What should I do?

CodePudding user response:

Modification points:

  • When I saw your showing script, at export_getRow.html, when the dropdown list is selected, I thought that headerRow.onchange = function(){,,,} is run. By this, google.script.run.setValue() is not run. So, I thought that this situation is different from your current issue.

  • When I removed headerRow.onchange = function(){,,,}, when the dropdown list is selected, I think that google.script.run.setValue() is run. But, unfortunately, no value is used with google.script.run.setValue(). By this, I'm worried that an error occurs at var [header, ...values] = ss.getRange(e,1,LastRow,LastCol).getValues();.

  • And, at <? var value= matchingField(headerRowToInsert); ?>, headerRowToInsert is not declared.

I thought that these might be your current issues. When these points are reflected in your showing script, how about the following modification?

Google Apps Script side: Code.gs

Please modify setValue as follows.

function setValue(e) {
  var html = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('export_matchField');
  html.inputtags = matchingField(e).reduce((s, f) => s  = `<div style="margin-top:5px;"><input type="text" id ="textValue" name='textValue' value='${f}'></div>`, "");
  var h = html.evaluate().setTitle('DG Connector').setWidth(400).setSandboxMode(HtmlService.SandboxMode.IFRAME);
  • In the current stage, when the loop process is used with the template, the process cost becomes high. Ref So, I created HTML outside of the template using a loop.

HTML side: export_getRow.html

Please modify export_getRow.html as follows.

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <base target="_top">

    Header row
    <select name="rowNum" id="rowNum"onchange="google.script.run.setValue(this.selectedIndex   1)" style="width:280px;height:30px;">
        <option value="none" selected>Please select a row</option>
        <?!= options ?>

    Select the row with the field title of the data to export.

    <button onclick='prevPage()'>prev</button>
    <button onclick='nextPage()'>next</button>
    <button onclick='insertData()'>insert Data</button>

      var headerRow = document.getElementById("rowNum");
      // headerRow.onchange = function(){
      //   console.log(headerRow.value);
      //   console.log(localStorage.setItem("selectRowNum",headerRow.value));
      // }      

      var valueToInsert = localStorage.getItem("selectObjToInsert");  

      function prevPage() {

      function insertData() {

      function nextPage() {



HTML side: export_matchField.html

Please modify export_matchField.html as follows.

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <base target="_top">

  <?!= inputtags ?>

  <button onclick='prevPage()'>Prev</button>

    var textBoxes = document.querySelectorAll('[id^=textValue]');
      var textToWrite;
      for(var i in textBoxes){
        textToWrite = textBoxes[i].value;

      var headerRowToInsert = localStorage.getItem("selectRowNum");  

      function prevPage() {


  • By above modification, I think that after the HTML of export_getRow.html was oprned, and when the dropdown list is selected, google.script.run.setValue(this.selectedIndex 1) is run, and export_matchField.html is opened by including the input tags created by the value from matchingField(e).

  • In this answer, it supposes that your function of matchingField(e) works fine and your expected value is returned by giving e, and also, first, your export_getRow.html can be correctly opened. Please be careful about this.

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