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numbers of users buying the exact same product from the same shop for > 2 times in 1 years


I have data like this:

date           user prod shop cat1 cat2
2022-02-01     1    a    a    ah   g
2022-02-02     1    a1   b    ah   g
2022-04-03     1    a    a    ah   g
2022-04-19     1    a    a    ah   g
2022-05-01     2    b    c    bg   g

I want to know how many user buy the same product in the same shop for >2 times in period 1 year. The result i want like:

table 1
cat1   number_of_user
ah     1

table 2
cat2   number_of_user
g      1

For total user, my query like:

WITH data_product AS(
SELECT DATE(payment_time) date,
CONCAT(prod, "_", shop) product_shop,
DATE(payment_time) BETWEEN "2022-01-01" AND DATE_SUB(current_date, INTERVAL 1 day)
ORDER BY 1,2,3),
purchased AS (
SELECT user, product_shop, count(product_shop) tot_purchased
FROM data_product
HAVING COUNT(product_shop) > 2
SELECT COUNT(user) number_of_user FROM purchased

Please help to get number of user buy the same product in the same shop more than 2 times in period based on cat1 and cat2.

CodePudding user response:

I think this query might work:

with cte as
  (select distinct
    PDate,userID as userID,prod as prod,shop,cat1 as cat1,cat2,
    count(userID) over (partition by UserID,prod,shop,year(Pdate),cat1) as cat1_count,
    count(PDate) over (partition by UserID,prod,shop,year(Pdate),cat2) as cat2_count
 from tbl1)
    cte.cat1 as c1,'0' as c2,count(distinct cte.cat1) as Num
 from cte
 where cte.cat1_count>1 
 group by cte.prod,cte.userID,cte.cat1
    '0',cte.cat2,count(distinct cte.cat2)
 from cte
 where cte.cat2_count>1 
 group by cte.prod,cte.userID,cte.cat2

CodePudding user response:

Try this:

create temporary table table1 as(
select *,extract(YEAR from date) as year from `projectid.dataset.table`
create temporary table table2 as(
select * except(date,cat2) ,count(user) over(partition by cat1,year,user,prod,shop)  tcount  from table1
create temporary table table4 as(
select * except(date,cat1) ,count(user) over(partition by cat2,year,user,prod,shop)  tcount  from table1
select distinct year,cat1 ,count(distinct user) number_of_user from table2 where tcount>2 group by YEAR,cat1;
select distinct year,cat2 ,count(distinct user) number_of_user from table4 where tcount>2 group by YEAR,cat2;

If you want a single result set you can union both the select statements.

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