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MAUI CreatePlatformView is never called?



So i am not sure if this is a bug or not but I have raised one in Github anyway, which can be tracked here: https://github.com/dotnet/maui/issues/9720


So I have been trying out MAUI extensively lately and was trying to Create a Custom Control I guess and I ran into this weird problem, the CreatePlatform method was never getting called, at first I thought this was because I was using a MAUI class library and there was some issue with them, So instead I created another control in the same MAUI project instead of doing it through a CL and to my surprise even then it did not work.

My code is as follows:


public interface IExtendedLabel : ILabel
    bool HasUnderline { get; }
    Color UnderlineColor { get; }

Label class:

public class ExtendedLabel : Label, IExtendedLabel
    public readonly BindableProperty HasUnderlineProperty = BindableProperty.Create(

    public bool HasUnderline
        get => (bool)GetValue(HasUnderlineProperty);
        set => SetValue(HasUnderlineProperty, value);

    public readonly BindableProperty UnderlineColorProperty = BindableProperty.Create(

    public Color UnderlineColor
        get => (Color)GetValue(HasUnderlineProperty);
        set => SetValue(HasUnderlineProperty, value);

My shared handler:

using System;
using MAUI.FreakyControls;
using Microsoft.Maui.Handlers;
using NativeView = AndroidX.AppCompat.Widget.AppCompatTextView;
#if IOS
using NativeView = UIKit.UILabel;
namespace Samples
    public partial class ExtendedLabelHandler : ViewHandler<IExtendedLabel,NativeView>
        #region ctor 

        public static CommandMapper<IExtendedLabel, ExtendedLabelHandler> CommandMapper = new(ViewCommandMapper);

        public ExtendedLabelHandler() : base(FreakyEditorMapper)


        public ExtendedLabelHandler(IPropertyMapper mapper = null) : base(mapper ?? FreakyEditorMapper)



        #region Mappers

        public static IPropertyMapper<IExtendedLabel, ExtendedLabelHandler> FreakyEditorMapper = new PropertyMapper<IExtendedLabel, ExtendedLabelHandler>(ViewMapper)
            [nameof(IExtendedLabel.HasUnderline)] = MapHasUnderlineWithColor,
            [nameof(IExtendedLabel.UnderlineColor)] = MapHasUnderlineWithColor

        public static void MapHasUnderlineWithColor(ExtendedLabelHandler handler, IExtendedLabel entry)



Handler Android:

public partial class ExtendedLabelHandler
        protected override AppCompatTextView CreatePlatformView()
            var nativeView = new AppCompatTextView(this.Context)

            return nativeView;

        private void HandleNativeHasUnderline(bool hasUnderline, Color underlineColor)
            if (hasUnderline)
                var AndroidColor = underlineColor.ToNativeColor();
                var colorFilter = BlendModeColorFilterCompat.CreateBlendModeColorFilterCompat(
                    AndroidColor, BlendModeCompat.SrcIn);

My iOS handler:

public partial class ExtendedLabelHandler
        CoreAnimation.CALayer bottomLine;

        protected override UILabel CreatePlatformView()
            return new UILabel();

        private void HandleNativeHasUnderline(bool hasUnderline, Color underlineColor)
            if (hasUnderline)
                var uiColor = underlineColor.ToNativeColor();
                bottomLine = BottomLineDrawer(uiColor);
                bottomLine.Frame = new CGRect(x: 0, y: PlatformView.Frame.Size.Height - 5,
                    width: PlatformView.Frame.Size.Width, height: 1);
                PlatformView.Layer.MasksToBounds = true;

Adding the handler:

 handlers.AddHandler(typeof(IExtendedLabel), typeof(ExtendedLabelHandler));

Am I doing something wrong?

You can find the full code on my repo here which has a full working example of the method never getting called for some reason: https://github.com/FreakyAli/MAUI.FreakyControls/tree/r1-gh/feat/freakyeditor

CodePudding user response:

So the issue was my registration, I was registering my interface instead of the class of my custom control:

 handlers.AddHandler(typeof(ExtendedLabel), typeof(ExtendedLabelHandler));

Goodluck to anyone looking for this.

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