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Segmentation fault at the very beginning of the method


I have been trying to figure out the root cause for a segmentation fault that I see while running my application with Address Sanitizer(ASAN) enabled. When I attach GDB and debug the application, I see the segfault being received right at the beginning of the method:

Minimal code:

    int TimerScope::switchMode() {  

>  int TimerScope::doCapture(Mode captureMode) {  <---- segfault here
       if(handle == -1)
           return 0;

       XLOG(TRACE, image(this));

Note that I don't see the issue for a build without address sanitizer. I have looked at different aspects of this issue (like looking for garbage address of variables, running valgrind/UBSAN etc) without any luck. Currently I am looking into the assembly code to see if there are any clues there. With GDB, when I print the location of the segfault, this is what I get:

(gdb) p $_siginfo._sifields._sigfault.si_addr
$5 = (void *) 0x7fe4d3908fb8

The assembly code is as given below, which is executing some logic as the method TimerScope::doCapture gets called:

    0x7fe69595f65e <_ZN7ts9TimerScope9doCaptureENS_8ModeE>          endbr64                                                                                        │
│    0x7fe69595f662 <_ZN7ts9TimerScope9doCaptureENS_8ModeE 4>        push   %rbp                                                                                    │
│    0x7fe69595f663 <_ZN7ts9TimerScope9doCaptureENS_8ModeE 5>        mov    %rsp,%rbp                                                                               │
│    0x7fe69595f666 <_ZN7ts9TimerScope9doCaptureENS_8ModeE 8>        push   %r15                                                                                    │
│    0x7fe69595f668 <_ZN7ts9TimerScope9doCaptureENS_8ModeE 10>       push   %r14                                                                                    │
│    0x7fe69595f66a <_ZN7ts9TimerScope9doCaptureENS_8ModeE 12>       push   %r13                                                                                    │
│    0x7fe69595f66c <_ZN7ts9TimerScope9doCaptureENS_8ModeE 14>       push   %r12                                                                                    │
│    0x7fe69595f66e <_ZN7ts9TimerScope9doCaptureENS_8ModeE 16>       push   %rbx                                                                                    │
│    0x7fe69595f66f <_ZN7ts9TimerScope9doCaptureENS_8ModeE 17>       sub    $0x1000,%rsp                                                                            │
│    0x7fe69595f676 <_ZN7ts9TimerScope9doCaptureENS_8ModeE 24>       orq    $0x0,(%rsp)                                                                             │
│    0x7fe69595f67b <_ZN7ts9TimerScope9doCaptureENS_8ModeE 29>       sub    $0x1a8,%rsp                                                                             │
│  > 0x7fe69595f682 <_ZN7ts9TimerScope9doCaptureENS_8ModeE 36>       mov    %rdi,-0x1198(%rbp)                                                                      │
│    0x7fe69595f689 <_ZN7ts9TimerScope9doCaptureENS_8ModeE 43>       mov    %esi,           
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