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Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: ser[i].data.map is not a function in apex chart.js


Getting the mentioned error when i try to render a apexchart chart from a json api

also the chart is not rendered in its div

console error

enter image description here

json api link

apex chart chart configs

var ChartOptions = {
    series: [],
    noData: {
        text: 'Loading...'
    chart: {
        type: 'bar',
        height: 300,

    colors: 'blue',

    plotOptions: {
        bar: {
            horizontal: !1,
            dataLabels: {
                position: 'top',
    dataLabels: {
        enabled: !1,
        offsetX: -6,
        style: {
            fontSize: '12px',
            colors: ['#fff']
    stroke: {
        show: true,
        width: 1,
        colors: ['#fff']
    tooltip: {
        shared: true,
        intersect: false
    yaxis: {
        forceNiceScale: true,
        labels: {
            show: false,


    grid: {
        show: true,
        borderColor: '#90A4AE',
        strokeDashArray: 0.5,
        position: 'back',
        xaxis: {
            lines: {
                show: false

        row: {
            colors: 'red',
            opacity: 0.2


    xaxis: {
        type : 'catagory',
        labels: {
            show: false,
            rotate: 180,



var chart = new ApexCharts(document.querySelector("#chart"), ChartOptions);

const url = 'https://syed1ahmed.github.io/stage-gear/api.json';

$.getJSON(url, function (response) {
        name: 'monthly Volume In USD',
        data: response


code pen reproducing the problem faced https://codepen.io/syed1ahmed/pen/eYrmzPO

can someone please solve this bug


CodePudding user response:

You can't just throw whole response to data, it has to be in a form apexcharts can understand. When you map data to array like this, chart will renders.

    name: 'monthly Volume In USD',
    data: response.data.map((val) => val.volume)

And if you want dates as categories updateOptions like this

  series: [
      name: "monthly Volume In USD",
      data: response.data.map((val) => val.volume)
  xaxis: {
    categories: response.data.map((val) => val.date)
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