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Skeleton-Avatar and ImageButton in MUI React are forced to oval background shapes


When using mui Stack I get weird side effect of geting all the background shapes of Skeleton Avatar and background area smeared to oval|elipsoid shapes. I tried setting equal width and height for Avatar but id does not help.

How can I fix it throguh sx mui component property or css? example of spreaded shapes

code fragment

  noValidate autoComplete="off" 
  sx={{ marginLeft: '15%','& .MuiTextField-root': { m: 2, width: '25ch' }}}>
       <form onSubmit={onSubmit} >
         {formFields.map((form, index) => {
           return (
             <Fade in={true} sx = {{width: '95%'}} {...{ timeout: 500 }}>
               <Stack direction="row"  borderRadius="0" spacing={2} key={index} style ={{marginLeft: '-50px', }}>
                 {form.img? <Avatar alt="release img" src={form.img} sx={{ width: 56, height: 56 }} /> : <Skeleton animation={false} variant ='circular'> <Avatar sx={{ width: 56, height: 56}}  /> </Skeleton>}
                 <TextField {/* ... */}/>
                 <IconButton onClick={() => removeFields(index)}><DeleteIcon /</IconButton>

  <IconButton onClick={addFields} color={'warning'}> <AddCircleOutlineOutlinedIcon /></IconButton>
  <Button onClick={onSubmit}  color={'warning'} variant="contained" endIcon= {<SendIcon/>} > Search links </Button>

CodePudding user response:

Normally, the default value of align-items for flex items will be stretch, that's why you see your icon is stretched in the cross axis

The solution is simple, set alignItems prop in Stack to a different value rather than normal/stretch. Here I use center

          alignItems="center" // this line
          style={{ marginLeft: "-50px" }}


Edit goofy-yalow-lug341


CSS align-items

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