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The first job


[root @ localhost Desktop] # touch WESTOS_class {1.. 2} _linux {1.. 6} redhat_version {1.. 8} [root @ localhost Desktop] # mkdir study/TMP/VERSION SINGLE/DOUBLE CLASS1 CLASS2 confdir
[root @ localhost Desktop] # mv WESTOS_class {1.. 2} _linux {1.. 6} study
[root @ localhost Desktop] # mv redhat_version {1.. 8}/TMP/VERSION
[root @ localhost Desktop] # CP/TMP/VERSION/redhat_version hc-positie {1} SINGLE
[root @ localhost Desktop] # CP/TMP/VERSION/redhat_version,4,6,8 {2}/DOUBLE
[root @ localhost Desktop] # study mv/WESTOS_class [1] _linux {1.. 6} CLASS1
[root @ localhost Desktop] # study mv/WESTOS_class [2] _linux {1.. 6} CLASS2
[root @ localhost Desktop] # cp/etc/* [[: alpha:] [: digit:]] *. Conf confdir
[root @ localhost Desktop] # rm - fr *
1. The file creation touch the file
2. Directory to establish the mkdir testmkdir -p dir1-name dir2/dir3 -p based recursive directory, when the upper directory does not exist automatically establish
3. The file deletion rm file
Rm - fr file mandatory delete all the files inside the file
Rm - fr * delete all
4. Edit the file
(1) gedit gedit file must have a graphical
(2) the vim editor file vim file - & gt; According to the [I] into insert mode - & gt; Writing content - & gt; Press [esc] exit insert mode - & gt; : wq to exit the save vim exceptions generated when vim abnormal exit. The file. The SWP document [O] pen Read - Only, open read-only (E) dit anyway, continue editing ecover (R), (D) elete it, delete (Q) uit, exit bort: (A) exit
Wants to vim resume normal work, then delete. Swap file, choose D
5. The cat file # # view the entire contents of the file
Cat - b file # # - b show line Numbers do not contain blank lines
Cat - n file # # - n show line Numbers contain blank lines
6. Tail file # # 10 rows after check the file
7. The head file # # to check the file before 10 lines
8. Less file # # tabbed browsing
9. The mv file file1 # # will be in front of the content behind the move to file, equivalent to rename.
10. The mv file dir # # move files into the directory
Dir/mv *. # # the dir move so file to the current desktop in the 11. Cp file file1 # # copies the contents of the file in front to the back of the file
12. Cp file file1 dir # # will be inside the two files are copied to the directory
13. Cp -r dir dir1-name # # to dir directory of all the files are copied to the dir1-name
Wc statistical file size
Wc - l # # lines
Wc - w # # number words
Wc - m # # characters
Wc - c # # bytes
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