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Python ast Libary - how to retreive value of a specific node


I have the following script:

extras_require={"dev": dev_reqs}
x = 3
    "console_scripts": ["main=smamesdemo.run.main:main"]

I want to retrieve the following part as python data, dict and list not Nodes.

    "console_scripts": ["main=smamesdemo.run.main:main"]

I have tried the following, but I am not actually able to get the values with this:

import ast

class CustomNodeTransformer(ast.NodeTransformer):
    def visit_Assign(self, node):
        return node

with open("./setup.py") as f:
    code = f.read()

    node = ast.parse(code)

{'keys': [<ast.Constant object at 0x0000029E992962C0>], 'values': [<ast.Name object at 0x0000029E99296260>], 'lineno': 1, 'col_offset': 15, 'end_lineno': 1, 'end_col_offset': 32}

Expected: entry_points={"console_scripts": ["main=smamesdemo.run.main:main"]}

Can anyone help me to archieve this?

CodePudding user response:

You should use ast.NodeVisitor rather than ast.NodeTransformer since you are not making modifications to nodes. But for the purpose of retrieving a single node, it is simpler to use ast.walk instead to traverse the AST in a flat manner and find the ast.Assign node whose target id is 'entry_points', and then wrap its value in an ast.Expression node for compilation with compile and evaluation with eval into an actual Python dict. Remember to use ast.fix_missing_locations to realign the line numbers and offsets of the node when you plant it into another tree:

import ast

code = '''extras_require={"dev": dev_reqs}
x = 3
    "console_scripts": ["main=smamesdemo.run.main:main"]

for node in ast.walk(ast.parse(code)):
    if isinstance(node, ast.Assign) and node.targets[0].id == 'entry_points':
        expr = ast.Expression(body=node.value)
        entry_points = eval(compile(expr, filename='', mode='eval'))


This outputs:

{'console_scripts': ['main=smamesdemo.run.main:main']}

Demo: https://replit.com/@blhsing/OrangeredCurlyApplication

CodePudding user response:

From Python 3.9 you can use the ast.unparse function to get the equivalent code as a string from a Node

import ast

class CustomNodeTransformer(ast.NodeTransformer):
    def visit_Assign(self, node):
        return node

code = """
extras_require={"dev": dev_reqs}
x = 3
    "console_scripts": ["main=smamesdemo.run.main:main"]
node = ast.parse(code)

# Output:
# extras_require = {'dev': dev_reqs}
# x = 3
# entry_points = {'console_scripts': ['main=smamesdemo.run.main:main']}
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