I have the list with nested objects below and inside this list there is a nested data frame named edges
A tibble: 2 × 5
from to from_id to_id value
<chr> <chr> <int> <int> <dbl>
1 ARTIFICIAL_START Forged Wire, Medium (Sport) 2 3 0
2 Forged Wire, Medium (Sport) ARTIFICIAL_END 3 1 0
I wonder how could I approach and modify it by subseting it based on the 2 columns from
and to
. For example when from
and to
is Forged Wire, Medium (Sport)
then this row is totally deleted. I want to subset it while its inside the list or extract it,subset it and then insert it inside the list again.
perf<-structure(list(x = list(diagram = "digraph {\n\ngraph [layout = \"dot\",\n outputorder = \"edgesfirst\",\n bgcolor = \"white\",\n rankdir = \"LR\"]\n\nnode [fontname = \"Helvetica\",\n fontsize = \"10\",\n shape = \"circle\",\n fixedsize = \"true\",\n width = \"0.5\",\n style = \"filled\",\n fillcolor = \"aliceblue\",\n color = \"gray70\",\n fontcolor = \"gray50\"]\n\nedge [fontname = \"Helvetica\",\n fontsize = \"8\",\n weight = \"1.5\",\n color = \"gray80\",\n arrowsize = \"0.5\"]\n\n \"1\" [label = \"End\", shape = \"circle\", style = \"rounded,filled\", fontcolor = \"brown4\", color = \"brown4\", tooltip = \"ARTIFICIAL_END\n2\", penwidth = \"1.5\", fixedsize = \"FALSE\", fontname = \"Arial\", fontsize = \"10\", fillcolor = \"#FFFFFF\"] \n \"2\" [label = \"Start\", shape = \"circle\", style = \"rounded,filled\", fontcolor = \"chartreuse4\", color = \"chartreuse4\", tooltip = \"ARTIFICIAL_START\n2\", penwidth = \"1.5\", fixedsize = \"FALSE\", fontname = \"Arial\", fontsize = \"10\", fillcolor = \"#FFFFFF\"] \n \"3\" [label = \"Forged Wire, Medium (Sport)\n2\", shape = \"rectangle\", style = \"rounded,filled\", fontcolor = \"black\", color = \"grey\", tooltip = \"Forged Wire, Medium (Sport)\n2\", penwidth = \"1.5\", fixedsize = \"FALSE\", fontname = \"Arial\", fontsize = \"10\", fillcolor = \"#74A9CF\"] \n\"2\"->\"3\" [label = \"2\", penwidth = \"5\", color = \"dodgerblue4\", fontname = \"Arial\", fontsize = \"10\", weight = \"1\", constraint = \"TRUE\"] \n\"3\"->\"1\" [label = \"2\", penwidth = \"5\", color = \"dodgerblue4\", fontname = \"Arial\", fontsize = \"10\", weight = \"1\", constraint = \"TRUE\"] \n}",
config = list(engine = "dot", options = NULL)), width = NULL,
height = NULL, sizingPolicy = list(defaultWidth = NULL, defaultHeight = NULL,
padding = NULL, viewer = list(defaultWidth = NULL, defaultHeight = NULL,
padding = NULL, fill = TRUE, suppress = FALSE, paneHeight = NULL),
browser = list(defaultWidth = NULL, defaultHeight = NULL,
padding = NULL, fill = FALSE, external = FALSE),
knitr = list(defaultWidth = NULL, defaultHeight = NULL,
figure = TRUE)), dependencies = NULL, elementId = NULL,
preRenderHook = NULL, jsHooks = list()), class = c("grViz",
"htmlwidget"), package = "DiagrammeR", base_precedence = structure(list(
"ARTIFICIAL_START", "Forged Wire, Medium (Sport)", "Forged Wire, Medium (Sport)"
), act = c("ARTIFICIAL_END", "ARTIFICIAL_END", "Forged Wire, Medium (Sport)","Forged Wire, Medium (Sport)", NA, "ARTIFICIAL_START", "ARTIFICIAL_START"
), aid = c("WC4120721-CN354877", "WC4120667-CN354878", "WC4120721-CN354877",
"WC4120667-CN354878", NA, "WC4120721-CN354877", "WC4120667-CN354878"
), case = c("WC4120721", "WC4120667", "WC4120721", "WC4120667",
NA, "WC4120721", "WC4120667"), start_time = structure(c(1606964400,
1607115480, 1606964400, 1607115480, NA, 1606964400, 1607115480
), tzone = "", class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")), end_time = structure(c(1606964400,
1607115480, 1606964400, 1607115480, NA, 1606964400, 1607115480
), tzone = "", class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")), min_order = c(Inf,
Inf, 1, 2, NA, -Inf, -Inf), next_start_time = structure(c(NA,
NA, 1606964400, 1607115480, NA, 1606964400, 1607115480), tzone = "", class = c("POSIXct",
"POSIXt")), next_end_time = structure(c(NA, NA, 1606964400,
1607115480, NA, 1606964400, 1607115480), tzone = "", class = c("POSIXct",
"POSIXt")), from_id = c(1L, 1L, 3L, 3L, NA, 2L, 2L), to_id = c(NA,
NA, 1L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 3L)), row.names = c(NA, -7L), class = "data.frame"), edges = structure(list(
from = c("ARTIFICIAL_START", "Forged Wire, Medium (Sport)"
), to = c("Forged Wire, Medium (Sport)", "ARTIFICIAL_END"
), from_id = 2:3, to_id = c(3L, 1L), value = c(2, 2)), row.names = c(NA,
-2L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")), nodes = structure(list(
node = c("ARTIFICIAL_END", "ARTIFICIAL_START", "Forged Wire, Medium (Sport)"
), from_id = 1:3, value = c(2, 2, 2)), row.names = c(NA,
-3L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"), na.action = structure(c(`4` = 4L), class = "omit")))
CodePudding user response:
It's stored in the attr
ibute "edges"
which you may manipulate in a function similar to this one.
f <- \(data, nofrom, noto) {
u <- attr(data, 'edges')
`attr<-`(data, 'edges', u[u$from != nofrom & u$to != noto,,drop=FALSE])
f(data=perf, nofrom='ARTIFICIAL_START', noto='Forged Wire, Medium (Sport)')
# ...
# attr(,"edges")
# # A tibble: 1 × 5
# from to from_id to_id value
# <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <dbl>
# 1 Forged Wire, Medium (Sport) ARTIFICIAL_END 3 1 2
# attr(,"nodes")
# ...