1, the mkdir/the sio
2, the mount/dev/cdrom/iso
3, CD/etc/yum. Repos. D
4, ls to see whether there is a CentOS - * content
5, the mkdir aaa (folder)
6, mv CentOS - * aaa
7, vim DVD. '
Content: (DVD)
8, yum info samba *
9, yum clean all
10, yum install samba - y
11, systemctl start SMB NMB
12, systemctl enable SMB NMB
13, firewall - CMD - permanent - add - service=samba
14, firewall - CMD - permanent - add - service=samba - client
15, firewall - CMD - reload
16, firewall - CMD - list - all
17, setenforce 0
18, getenforce
19, systemctl restart SMB NMB
20, systemctl enable SMB NMB
21, vim/etc/samba/SMB. Conf
Add: [common]
22, sabpasswd -a xinlun (username)
23, mkdir common
24, chmod 777 common
25, systemctl restart SMB NMB
26, systemctl enable SMB NMB
27, the virtual machine in the physical machine running IP: \ \
28 and find common folder, open a new text document
29, in a virtual machine query/etc/yum repos. D/whether there is a new text document. Under the common TXT operation is completed