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Non-recursive way to reverse a list in a purely functional way?


I'm working in OCaml and need to write a function

let rev lst = ...

which reverses the list lst without using recursion. I don't think I can use iterative methods either, like a for-loop. And I can't use List library functions. And I can't define some kind of data structure that allows me to interface with the elements in reverse order. It has to be a very from-bare-OCaml implementation.

Given these constraints I really can't think of any way to do this. I really don't even know where to start. The only two things in my bag of tricks, when dealing with arbitrary lists, are recursion and iteration.

CodePudding user response:

The only loophole I can see here is to define another function that uses recursion, and then have rev use it such that rev itself is not recursive. List.fold_left is easy enough to reimplement such that your rev function also doesn't use any functions from the List module. This should satisfy the requirements.

let rec foldl f i =
  | [] -> i
  | x::xs -> foldl f (f i x) xs

And then rev:

let rev lst = foldl (fun i x -> x::i) [] lst

If you feel like being clever, you could reimplement Fun.flip as well, and create a cons function. Both simple enough.

let flip f a b = f b a

let cons a b = a :: b

let rev lst = foldl (flip cons) [] lst
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