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join to most recent right hand record, but place NULL when right table doesn't have data


i am trying to build a view/query that hops across multiple joins showing one result row per left hand record, with the right hand record being the most recently-created record for that object in the table.

the end goal is to provide data to a front end application, but i need to be able to tell if there is no data in the right hand table while still displaying the data from the left hand table.

i don't know if i've worded that well; i'm a little out of my depth. maybe code will illustrate better than english. here are some tables to illustrate:

left hand table bill

id    description    extId
1     Some descr...  SB 123
2     Another de...  SB 124
3     Third desc...  SB 125

join table tally_bill

id    billId    tallyId
1     2         1
2     2         2
3     3         3
4     3         4

note that there is no entry for billId = 1

right hand table tally

id    countYes    countNo   created
1     4           0         2022-09-26 13:11:48
2     5           8         2022-09-26 14:50:24
3     10          11        2022-09-26 11:20:01
4     4           3         2022-09-26 13:41:25

my desired result looks something like this:

billId    description    extId    countYes    countNo
1         Some descr...  SB 123   null        null
2         Another de...  SB 124   5           8
3         Third desc...  SB 125   4           3

i need countYes and countNo to be the values from the most recently-created record in tally.

the query i've gotten so far is:

    bill.id, bill.description, bill.extId,
    tally.id, tally.countYes, tally.countNo
LEFT JOIN tally_bill
    ON tally_bill.billId = bill.id
    ON tally.id = tb.tallyId
    AND (
        tally_bill tb
        tb.billId = bill.id);

but this produces something to the effect of:

billId    description    extId    id    countYes    countNo
2         Another de...  SB 124   2     5           8
3         Third desc...  SB 125   4     4           3

as you see the record billId = 1 is missing. i have made a few variations on this query moving the subquery around, trying group bys and partitions, etc., to no avail. i'm at the limit of my SQL-fu, so i would appreciate any help or enlightenment, please :)

i'm using MySQL 8.0.30 but if there is a need to change versions i'm open to it.

CodePudding user response:

select    id
from     (
         select   b.id
                 ,row_number() over(partition by b.id order by t.id desc) as rn
         from     bill b left join tally_bill tb on tb.billId = b.id left join tally t on t.id = tb.tallyId
         ) t
where    rn = 1
id description extId countYes countNo
1 Some descr SB 123 null null
2 Another de SB 124 5 8
3 Third desc SB 125 9 4


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