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move and Rename file to folder Powershell


I have some pdf's in a folder that I need to organize them like this:

PDF name: 123.12.123.pdf ; 102030_01.pdf; 102030_02.pdf; 123.4512.34561.23412.pdf

Now I need to create folders with the filename (without the characters removed, ex: 12345123456123412) and rename them to the following pattern: ex: P12345123456123412_V1_A0V0_T07-54-369-664_S00001.pdf

for this I have used the following code which works very well:

@Echo Off
SetLocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
If "%~1" == "" GoTo :EOF
For %%G In (%*) Do (For %%H In ("%%~G") Do If "%%~aH" Lss "-" (
        Echo Error! %%G no longer exists.
        %SystemRoot%\System32\timeout.exe /T 2 /NoBreak 1>NUL
    ) Else If "%%~aH" GEq "d" (For %%I In ("%%~G\*.pdf") Do Call :Sub "%%~I"
    ) Else If /I "%%~xG" == ".pdf" (Call :Sub "%%~G"
    ) Else (Echo Error! %%G is not a PDF
        %SystemRoot%\System32\timeout.exe /T 2 /NoBreak 1>NUL))

Set "basename=%~n1"
Set "basename=           
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