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Azure ml : Difference between ScriptRunConfig vs command


I'm trying to start a training job on Azure ML from an Azure function (blob trigger) using Python. Here're the two ways I've seen it done:

  1. Using the command function from azure.ai.ml
        data_folder=Input(type="uri_folder", path=web_path)
    command="python tf_mnist.py --data-folder ${{inputs.data_folder}}",
  1. Using ScriptRunConfig class from azureml.core
                      arguments=['--input-data-dir', dataset.as_named_input('input').as_mount(),
                                 '--reg', '0.99'],
run = experiment.submit(config=src)

What is the difference between these? My source code is in a remote repo and this bit of code would be running in an Azure function. Which of these methods is suitable for my scenario?

CodePudding user response:

They key difference between those methods is just the version of the SDK/API that they are using.

  • Code from azure.ai.ml is coming from the Python SDK V2, contained in the Python package azure-ai-ml. More details about, including how to install it, can be found here
  • The other code snippet you posted uses the Python SDK V1, contained in the package azureml-core. Instructions here.

I would suggest using the V2 SDK, it is clearly more future-proof (though of course you may hit some snags for now because the V2 SDK is still in preview mode). Our team are also now switching from V1 to V2.

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