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Combining, and animating multiple SVG's - Feeling Stuck


I am trying to combine and animate 15 SVG's (color gradients, and slight blob change). I've tried everything I know in CSS, as well as svgasm and snap.svg libraries.

The SVG's were made in Figma, and have tried messing around with @keyframes/basic CSS but the SVG's are scattered all over the viewport

Could anyone help me with this?


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                d="M1845.42 1788.09C1818.19 1867.79 1472.19 1686.77 1411.14 1744.79C1350.1 1802.81 1112.99 1721.64 1032.02 1744.79C951.049 1767.94 917.89 1726.02 835.404 1709.03C752.918 1692.04 639.286 1537.25 574.049 1483.99C508.811 1430.73 330.191 1317.93 297.041 1240.51C263.89 1163.09 377.193 1123.36 383.67 1039.39C390.147 955.426 416.839 874.271 461.47 802.853C506.1 731.435 423.263 561.172 485.321 507.234L663.933 368.878L885.61 322.818C939.081 287.547 988.716 256.077 1273.06 368.878C1467.82 446.143 1485.89 463.65 1477.95 467.012C1541.85 493.67 1780.36 808.605 1886.68 1039.39C2002.6 1291.01 2304.66 1625.52 1845.42 1788.09Z"
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CodePudding user response:

With Snap, we can select and manipulate existing elements using css selectors, eg

var element = Snap('<some css selector>');

So, we can do something like the following, using an animate callback if we want animations in sequence, or run several together.

var s = Snap("#svg");


function animateFrame1 () {
    var g = Snap("#frame1").animate({ 'transform': 'r180'}, 1000, mina.linear, animateFrame2)

function animateFrame2 () {
    var g = Snap("#frame2").animate({ 'transform': 'r180'}, 1000, mina.linear, )

Example jsfiddle

There is also a Snap plugin here which could help a little if you need to combine a lot (look at the el.animateFrames method).

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