I have a code where I'm flattening the jsonb columns so I have written a code something like this
{% set survey_methods_query %}
SELECT DISTINCT(jsonb_object_keys(_airbyte_data)) as column_name
from {{source('survey-cto', 'raw_surveycto')}}
{% endset %}
{% set results = run_query(survey_methods_query) %}
{% if execute %}
{# Return the first column #}
{% set results_list = results.columns[0].values() %}
{% else %}
{% set results_list = [] %}
{% endif %}
{% for column_name in results_list %}
_airbyte_data->>{{ column_name }} as {{ column_name }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
from {{source('survey-cto', 'raw_surveycto')}}
So when you compile the dbt then its giving me a structure like this
_airbyte_data->>simid as simid,
_airbyte_data->>lease_season_None as lease_season_None,
So I'm getting this error because the column name is not in single string. How do I deal with this?
column "simid" does not exist
08:29:11 LINE 23: _airbyte_data->>simid as simid,
the airbyte data looks like this
{"KEY": "59dcc7la-4222-46ba-83a5-f59a5f78d656", "shg": "0", "didi": "G (non-official)", "loan": "0", "simid": "89918560200035541720", "aadhar": "1", "caseid": "", "endtime": "Mar 30, 2022 11:12:30 AM", "form_id": "baseline_ig ", "hh_size": "5", "savings": "0", "bank_acc": "0"}
CodePudding user response:
JSON field names need to be wrapped in single quotes to be selected in postgresql so you can change your Jinja to have single quotes around the column name.
_airbyte_data->>'{{ column_name }}' as {{ column_name }}
Or update your query to include the single quotes in the initial SELECT
SELECT concat('''', DISTINCT(jsonb_object_keys(_airbyte_data)), '''') as column_name