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Out, why I thread block, the main thread is not carried out













# define MAXBUF 1024

Void * conClient (int new_fd);

The static char buf [MAXBUF + 1];

Int main (int arg c, char * argv [])

Socklen_t len.

Int pid;

Int sockfd, new_fd;

Struct sockaddr_in my_addr their_addr;

Unsigned int myport lisnum;

//char buf [MAXBUF + 1];

If (argv [2])

Myport=atoi (argv [2]);

The else


If (argv [3])

Lisnum=atoi (argv [3]);

The else


If ((sockfd=socket (AF_INET SOCK_STREAM, 0))==1)


Perror (" socket ");

The exit (EXIT_FAILURE);


Bzero (& amp; My_addr, sizeof (my_addr));

My_addr. Sin_family=AF_INET;

My_addr. Sin_port=htons (myport);

If (argv [1])

My_addr. Sin_addr. S_addr=inet_addr (argv [1]).

The else

My_addr. Sin_addr. S_addr=INADDR_ANY;

If (bind (sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) & amp; My_addr, sizeof (struct sockaddr))==1)


Perror (" bind ");

The exit (EXIT_FAILURE);


If (listen (sockfd, lisnum)==1)

Perror (" listen ");

The exit (EXIT_FAILURE);


While (1)

Pthread_t con;

Printf (" wait for the connect! \n");

Len=sizeof (struct sockaddr);

If ((new_fd=accept (sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) & amp; Their_addr, & amp; Len))==1)


Perror (" accept ");

The exit (EXIT_FAILURE);


The else

Printf (" server: got connection from % s, port % d, socket % d \ n ", inet_ntoa (their_addr. Sin_addr), ntohs (their_addr. Sin_port), new_fd);

If (pthread_create (& amp; Con, NULL, conClient (new_fd), (void *) new_fd)==1)
Printf (" error ");


Printf (" newfd=% d \ n ", new_fd);

if(! Strncasecmp (buf, "quit", 4))


Printf (" I will close the connect! \n");


Close (sockfd);
Void * conClient (int new_fd) {

Char * buf1="wlecome Like QQ";

Strcpy (buf, buf1);

Pthread_detach (pthread_self ());

Int len.

While (1)
Printf (" % s \ n ", buf);

Len=send (new_fd, buf, strlen (buf), 0).

If (len> 0)

Printf (" the message: % s \ t send sucessful, the send % dbyte! \ n ", buf, len);

Bzero (buf MAXBUF + 1);
The else


Printf (" the message '% s' send a failure! Errno code is % d, errno message is' % s' \ n ", buf, errno, strerror (errno));



Len=recv (new_fd, buf, MAXBUF, 0);

If (len> 0)

Printf (" the message recv successful: '% s', % dByte recv successful:' % s', % dByte recv \ n ", buf, len);

The else


If (len<0)

Printf (" recv failure! Errno code is % d, errno message is' % s' \ n ", errno, strerror (errno));

The else

Printf (" the other one close the quit \ n ");




Close (new_fd);
Pthread_exit (NULL);

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