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How do I join these arrays is one?


calculaNumeroDaSenha(['0110100000', '1001011111','1110001010', '0111010101','0011100110', '1010011001', '1101100100', '1011010100', '1001100111', '1000011000']);

function calculaNumeroDaSenha(senha) {

    for (let i = 0; i < senha.length; i  ) {
     var dividir = senha[i].split('');

     function filtro1(modo1) {
      return modo1 == "1"
    function filtro2(modo2) {
      return modo2 == "0"
    etapaFinal(dividir.filter(filtro1), dividir.filter(filtro2));
    function etapaFinal(x,y) {
      var novaArray = [];
      if (x.length > y.length || x.length == y.length) {
      else {


the code output looks like this:


But I want the output to come out in just an array, like this:


I've already tried methods like the join() function, but it didn't work:

    function etapaFinal(x,y) {
      var novaArray = [];
      if (x.length > y.length || x.length == y.length) {
      else {
       for (let a = 0; a < novaArray.length; a  ) {

Please, if you have any idea how to do this, no matter how, help me if possible.

CodePudding user response:

So it seems like your fundamental misunderstanding is how .push works. Push, as the name implies, pushes a new value to the end of the array. Thus instead of pushing to an array, what you need to do is just build up a string and then push that string at the end.

Looks like your code will either return a 1 or a 0 depending on what filter. Thus your new code can look like so:

function calculaNumeroDaSenha(senha) {
      let result = '';
    for (let i = 0; i < senha.length; i  ) {
       var dividir = senha[i].split('');

       const filtro1 = (modo1) => {
        return modo1 == "1"

      const filtro2 = (modo2) => {
        return modo2 == "0"

      const etapaFinal = (x,y) => {
        if (x.length > y.length || x.length == y.length) {
          return '1';
        else {
          return '0';
            result  = etapaFinal(dividir.filter(filtro1), dividir.filter(filtro2));     
    return [result];

Where if we then log it out as so: console.log(calculaNumeroDaSenha(['0110100000', '1001011111','1110001010', '0111010101','0011100110', '1010011001', '1101100100', '1011010100', '1001100111', '1000011000']));

we get an array of size 1 of the following results: ['0111111110']. JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/avnkj81z/

One thing I did, is I changed your inner function blocks to be defined instead using the following pattern: const <functionName> = <(parameters)> => {...}. This is because it makes it easier to read and you don't have one function nested in one after the other. Note that function A(b) { returns b; } is equivalent to const A = (b) => { returns b;}

CodePudding user response:

To join all the strings into one string, use Array.join().

CodePudding user response:

The question is kinda vague, you need to clarify what you're looking for:

if you are looking to group an array items into one string, you would use Array.join().

const arr = ['0110100000', '1001011111','1110001010', '0111010101','0011100110', '1010011001', '1101100100', '1011010100', '1001100111', '1000011000']
// the above command would result in a single string with all array values concatenated
// "0110100000100101111111100010100111010101001110011010100110011101100100101101010010011001111000011000"

However if you're looking to group all array elements into one array that has a single string with all array elements grouped, you would use Array.join() followed by String.split()

const arr = ['0110100000', '1001011111','1110001010', '0111010101','0011100110', '1010011001', '1101100100', '1011010100', '1001100111', '1000011000']
// the above command would result in a single array with one string with all array elements grouped
// [ "0110100000100101111111100010100111010101001110011010100110011101100100101101010010011001111000011000" ]

CodePudding user response:

I think you want the output of this code. Please look into it. It is printing your desired value.

calculaNumeroDaSenha(['0110100000', '1001011111', '1110001010', '0111010101', '0011100110', '1010011001', '1101100100', '1011010100', '1001100111', '1000011000']);

function calculaNumeroDaSenha(senha) {

  var novaArray = [];
  var str = '';
  for (let i = 0; i < senha.length; i  ) {
    var dividir = senha[i].split('');

    function filtro1(modo1) {
      return modo1 == "1"
    function filtro2(modo2) {
      return modo2 == "0"
    etapaFinal(dividir.filter(filtro1), dividir.filter(filtro2));
    function etapaFinal(x, y) {
      if (x.length > y.length || x.length == y.length) {
        str  = 1;
      else {
        str  = 0;



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