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R - Group based on time steps and average all values included in them


I have tables like the one below.

df <- data.frame(Metric = c("Stat1", "Stat1", "Stat1", "Stat1",
                            "Stat2", "Stat2", "Stat2",
                            "Stat3", "Stat3", "Stat3", "Stat3"),
                 Timestamp = c("0.000514", "0.060709", "0.091062", "0.134333",
                               "0.000382", "0.060018", "0.133970",
                               "0.007462", "0.078792", "0.115623", "0.148771"),
                 Value = c("10", "20", "25", "30",
                           "11", "21", "31",
                           "12", "22", "32", "37"))

There are multiple metrics and timestamps. Naturally for each timestamp there is a value for that metric. The problem is that between metrics the timestamps are completely different. It would be easier for me to work with the data if I have the same timestamps. I found that the average timestamp is 0.05533.

This is the result I'm trying to get.

df_new <- data.frame(Metric = c("Stat1", "Stat1", "Stat1",
                                "Stat2", "Stat2", "Stat2",
                                "Stat3", "Stat3", "Stat3"),
                     Timestamp = c("0.00", "0.05", "0.10",
                                   "0.00", "0.05", "0.10",
                                   "0.00", "0.05", "0.10"),
                     Value = c("10", "22.5", "30",
                               "11", "21", "31",
                               "12", "22", "34.5"))

I want to have the same timestamps for every metric. Starting with time 0, I want to average all values of a metric that are in the [0s,0.5s] range (then [0.5, 1.0s] and so on).

One issue is that there might be only one value for a metric in that range or multiple. It's not set.

How can I create the second table from the first?

CodePudding user response:

In your case you can use aggregate and floor to round the timestamp to your desired values

Observe that the columns in your example are character strings thus i explicitly must convert it with as.numeric.

df <- data.frame(Metric = c("Stat1", "Stat1", "Stat1", "Stat1",
                            "Stat2", "Stat2", "Stat2",
                            "Stat3", "Stat3", "Stat3", "Stat3"),
                 Timestamp = c("0.000514", "0.060709", "0.091062", "0.134333",
                               "0.000382", "0.060018", "0.133970",
                               "0.007462", "0.078792", "0.115623", "0.148771"),
                 Value = c("10", "20", "25", "30",
                           "11", "21", "31",
                           "12", "22", "32", "37"))

df2 <- aggregate(. ~ I(floor(as.numeric(Timestamp)/0.05)*0.05)   Metric, 
                 df, function(x) mean(as.numeric(x)))
#>   I(floor(as.numeric(Timestamp)/0.05) * 0.05) Metric Timestamp Value
#> 1                                           0  Stat1 0.0005140  10.0
#> 2                                        0.05  Stat1 0.0758855  22.5
#> 3                                         0.1  Stat1 0.1343330  30.0
#> 4                                           0  Stat2 0.0003820  11.0
#> 5                                        0.05  Stat2 0.0600180  21.0
#> 6                                         0.1  Stat2 0.1339700  31.0
#> 7                                           0  Stat3 0.0074620  12.0
#> 8                                        0.05  Stat3 0.0787920  22.0
#> 9                                         0.1  Stat3 0.1321970  34.5


If you want to improve legibility:

df$Timestamp  <- as.numeric(df$Timestamp)
df$Value      <- as.numeric(df$Value)
df$Time_range <- floor(df$Timestamp/0.05)*0.05

df2 <- aggregate(. ~ Time_range   Metric, df, mean)

#>   Time_range Metric Timestamp Value
#> 1       0.00  Stat1 0.0005140  10.0
#> 2       0.05  Stat1 0.0758855  22.5
#> 3       0.10  Stat1 0.1343330  30.0
#> 4       0.00  Stat2 0.0003820  11.0
#> 5       0.05  Stat2 0.0600180  21.0
#> 6       0.10  Stat2 0.1339700  31.0
#> 7       0.00  Stat3 0.0074620  12.0
#> 8       0.05  Stat3 0.0787920  22.0
#> 9       0.10  Stat3 0.1321970  34.5

Created on 2022-11-04 with reprex v2.0.2

CodePudding user response:


v <- c(0,0.05, 0.1)

df %>%
  group_by(Metric, Timestamp = v[findInterval(Timestamp,v)])%>%
  summarise(Value = mean(Value))

# A tibble: 9 × 3
# Groups:   Metric [3]
  Metric Timestamp Value
  <chr>      <dbl> <dbl>
1 Stat1       0     10  
2 Stat1       0.05  22.5
3 Stat1       0.1   30  
4 Stat2       0     11  
5 Stat2       0.05  21  
6 Stat2       0.1   31  
7 Stat3       0     12  
8 Stat3       0.05  22  
9 Stat3       0.1   34.5
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