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Union Select two queries subtract from particular data


I need to build a query which performs subtraction on basis of client name here is my query I built for getting data

SELECT invoice.client_name, (Sum(invoice.freight_rate) Sum(invoice.total_basic_amount) Sum(invoice.delivery_rate)) 
    FROM invoice GROUP BY invoice.client_name 
UNION SELECT client_name,(Sum(payments.payment_received)) 
    FROM payments GROUP BY client_name

And here is what I get as an output

client_name   |   Expr1001
John   |   2500
John   |   3630
MAc   |   12000
MAc   |   15300

What I need is

client_name   |   Expr1001
John   |   1130
MAc   |   3300

Which is simple subtraction of both query. I already asked this question before and I got some good responses but they aren't working and now nobody replies to it. Here is what I got from them.

SELECT invoice.client_name, (Sum(invoice.freight_rate) Sum(invoice.total_basic_amount) Sum(invoice.delivery_rate)-Sum(payments.payment_received)) AS Expr1
FROM invoice, payments
WHERE (([invoice].[client_name]=[payments].[client_name]))
GROUP BY invoice.client_name;

This query returns some very strange output which is

client_name   |   Expr1001
John   |   2260
MAc   |   18600

I'm Attaching the db file here is the link.


CodePudding user response:

You need subqueries:

    TotalCharges-TotalPayments As Total


        Sum(CCur([invoice].[freight_rate])) Sum(CCur([invoice].[total_basic_amount])) Sum(CCur([invoice].[delivery_rate])) As TotalCharges
    Group By 
        invoice.client_name) As Charges

Inner Join

         Sum(CCur([payment_received])) As TotalPayments
    Group By 
         payments.client_name) As Payments

On Charges.client_name = Payments.client_name

and you should not store amount as text ...

CodePudding user response:

There are multiple invoice and payment records for each client. This means must aggregate each table's data then join those datasets.

SELECT I.client_name, amt - pmt AS Total
FROM (SELECT client_name, Sum(total_basic_amount) AS amt FROM invoice GROUP BY client_name) AS I 
LEFT JOIN (SELECT client_name, Sum(payment_received) AS pmt FROM payments GROUP BY client_name) AS P 
ON I.client_name = P.client_name;

Or this version:

SELECT invoice.client_name, Sum(total_basic_amount)-Max(pmt) AS Total 
FROM Invoice LEFT JOIN (SELECT client_name, Sum(payment_received) AS pmt FROM Payments GROUP BY client_name) AS P 
ON invoice.client_name = P.client_name 
GROUP BY invoice.client_name;
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