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How to split integer vector in R


I have a vector of integers that I want to split by 3, then I have to order the splitted parts and put bac into integer vector.


First step - split like this:


Second step - order:


Third step - put back into integer vector:


CodePudding user response:

With matrix sort:

x <- as.integer(c(16,9,2,17,10,3,18,11,4,19,12,5,20,13,6,21,14,7,22,15,8))
c(apply(matrix(x, ncol = 3, byrow = T), 1, sort))
#[1]  2  9 16  3 10 17  4 11 18  5 12 19  6 13 20  7 14 21  8 15 22

Or with split gl:

unlist(lapply(split(x, gl(length(x) / 3, 3)), sort))

Another shorter approach with split rev (only works if rev and sort are the same):

c(do.call(rbind, rev(split(x, 1:3))))
#[1]  2  9 16  3 10 17  4 11 18  5 12 19  6 13 20  7 14 21  8 15 22

CodePudding user response:

No {dplyr} required here.

x <- as.integer(c(16,9,2,17,10,3,18,11,4,19,12,5,20,13,6,21,14,7,22,15,8))
spl.x <- split(x, ceiling(seq_along(x)/3)) # split the vector
spl.x <- lapply(spl.x, sort) # sort each element of the list
Reduce(c, spl.x) # Reduce list to vector

Second line (splitting) is from this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3321659/2433233

This also works if the length of your original vector is no multiple of 3. The last list element is shorter in this case.

CodePudding user response:

Here is one way to do steps in order:

chunk <- 3
n <- length(vector)
r  <- rep(1:ceiling(n/chunk),each=chunk)[1:n]
list_of3 <- split(vector,r)
# > list_of3
# $`1`
# [1] 16  9  2
# $`2`
# [1] 17 10  3
# $`3`
# [1] 18 11  4
# $`4`
# [1] 19 12  5
# $`5`
# [1] 20 13  6
# $`6`
# [1] 21 14  7
# $`7`
# [1] 22 15  8
sorted_list<- lapply(list_of3, function(x)sort(x))
final_vector <- unname(unlist(sorted_list))
# > final_vector
# [1]  2  9 16  3 10 17  4 11 18  5 12 19  6 13 20  7 14 21  8 15 22```

CodePudding user response:

Here is one way to do it:

v <- as.integer(c(16,9,2,17,10,3,18,11,4,19,12,5,20,13,6,21,14,7,22,15,8))
res <- split(v, 0:(length(v)-1) %/%3)
unlist(lapply(res, sort), use.names = FALSE)

CodePudding user response:

You can put your data into a 3 column matrix by row, sort rowwise, transpose and convert back to vector:

v <- as.integer(c(16,9,2,17,10,3,18,11,4,19,12,5,20,13,6,21,14,7,22,15,8))
m <- matrix(v, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
c(t(matrix(m[order(row(m), m)], nrow(m), byrow = TRUE)))

[1]  2  9 16  3 10 17  4 11 18  5 12 19  6 13 20  7 14 21  8 15 22

CodePudding user response:

Something like this goes through every step:

v = as.integer(c(16,9,2,17,10,3,18,11,4,19,12,5,20,13,6,21,14,7,22,15,8))

v2 = v  %>% matrix(ncol= 3, byrow = T) 

# [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,]   16    9    2
# [2,]   17   10    3
# [3,]   18   11    4
# [4,]   19   12    5
# [5,]   20   13    6
# [6,]   21   14    7
# [7,]   22   15    8

v3 = v2[, rev(seq_len(ncol(v2)))]

# [,1] [,2] [,3]
# [1,]    2    9   16
# [2,]    3   10   17
# [3,]    4   11   18
# [4,]    5   12   19
# [5,]    6   13   20
# [6,]    7   14   21
# [7,]    8   15   22

v4 = v3 %>% as.vector

# [1]  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
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