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Recursive descent parser from BNF grammar in java


I need to make a recursive descent parser that follows the grammar

<program> → <statements>
<statements>→ <statement> | <statement><semi_colon><statements>
<statement> → <ident><assignment_op><expression>
<expression> → <term><term_tail>
<term_tail> → <add_op><term><term_tail> | ε
<term> → <factor> <factor_tail>
<factor_tail> → <mult_op><factor><factor_tail> | ε
<factor> → <left_paren><expression><right_paren> | <ident> | <const>
<const> → any decimal numbers
<ident> → any names conforming to C identifier rules
<assignment_op> → :=
<semi_colon> → ;
<add_operator> →   | -
<mult_operator> → * | /
<left_paren> → (
<right_paren> →)

I have made a lexer that tokenizes input into token type, token string, and token value.

public Token(int type, String token_string, Object value) {
        this.type = type;
        this.token_string = token_string;
        this.value = value;
public class TokenType {
    public static final int NUMBER=1;
    public static final int LEFT_PAR=2;
    public static final int RIGHT_PAR=3;
    public static final int PLUS=4;
    public static final int MINUS=5;
    public static final int STAR=6;
    public static final int SLASH=7;
    public static final int IDENT=8;
    public static final int ASSIGN=9;
    public static final int SEMI_COLON=10;

I am supposed to parse inputs like

operator1 := 200 100 *(100 - 200);

operator2 := operator1 300 and return the operator's values

However, I am not sure how I could make the parser.

CodePudding user response:

You add END_OF_TOKEN to TokenType.

public class TokenType {
    public static final int NUMBER = 1;
    public static final int END_OF_TOKEN = 11;

You define a Tokenizer class. It returns a Token object by calling get(). For simplicity here it returns the Token passed to the constructor.

public class Tokenizer {
    Token[] tokens;
    int index = 0;

    Tokenizer(Token... tokens) {
        this.tokens = tokens;

    public Token get() {
        if (index < tokens.length)
            return tokens[index  ];
            return new Token(TokenType.END_OF_TOKEN, null, null);

You define a Parser.

public class Parser {
    Tokenizer tokenizer;
    Token token;
    Map<String, Double> variables = new HashMap<>();

    Parser(Tokenizer tokenizer) {
        this.tokenizer = tokenizer;

    double factor() {
        if (token.type == TokenType.LEFT_PAR) {
            token = tokenizer.get();
            double e = expression();
            if (token.type != TokenType.RIGHT_PAR)
                throw new RuntimeException("')' expected");
            token = tokenizer.get();
            return e;
        } else if (token.type == TokenType.IDENT) {
            String name = token.token_string;
            token = tokenizer.get();
            if (!variables.containsKey(name))
                throw new RuntimeException("variable '"   name   "' undefined");
            return variables.get(name);
        } else if (token.type == TokenType.NUMBER) {
            double value = Double.parseDouble(token.token_string);
            token = tokenizer.get();
            return value;
        } else
            throw new RuntimeException("unknown token '"   token.token_string   "'");

    double term() {
        double value = factor();
        while (true) {
            if (token.type == TokenType.STAR) {
                token = tokenizer.get();
                value *= factor();
            } else if (token.type == TokenType.SLASH) {
                token = tokenizer.get();
                value /= factor();
            } else
        return value;

    double expression() {
        double value = term();
        while (true) {
            if (token.type == TokenType.PLUS) {
                token = tokenizer.get();
                value  = term();
            } else if (token.type == TokenType.MINUS) {
                token = tokenizer.get();
                value -= term();
            } else
        return value;

    void statement() {
        while (token.type != TokenType.END_OF_TOKEN) {
            if (token.type != TokenType.IDENT)
                throw new RuntimeException("identifier expected");
            String name = token.token_string;
            token = tokenizer.get();
            if (token.type != TokenType.ASSIGN)
                throw new RuntimeException("':=' expected");
            token = tokenizer.get();
            double value = expression();
            if (token.type != TokenType.SEMI_COLON)
                throw new RuntimeException("';' expected");
            token = tokenizer.get();
            variables.put(name, value);

    public Map<String, Double> parse() {
        token = tokenizer.get();
        return variables;


public void testParser() {
    Tokenizer tokenizer = new Tokenizer(
        new Token(TokenType.IDENT, "operator1", null),
        new Token(TokenType.ASSIGN, null, null),
        new Token(TokenType.NUMBER, "200", null),
        new Token(TokenType.PLUS, null, null),
        new Token(TokenType.NUMBER, "100", null),
        new Token(TokenType.STAR, null, null),
        new Token(TokenType.LEFT_PAR, null, null),
        new Token(TokenType.NUMBER, "100", null),
        new Token(TokenType.MINUS, null, null),
        new Token(TokenType.NUMBER, "200", null),
        new Token(TokenType.RIGHT_PAR, null, null),
        new Token(TokenType.SEMI_COLON, null, null),
        new Token(TokenType.IDENT, "operator2", null),
        new Token(TokenType.ASSIGN, null, null),
        new Token(TokenType.IDENT, "operator1", null),
        new Token(TokenType.PLUS, null, null),
        new Token(TokenType.NUMBER, "300", null),
        new Token(TokenType.SEMI_COLON, null, null),
        new Token(TokenType.END_OF_TOKEN, null, null));
    Parser parser = new Parser(tokenizer);
    Map<String, Double> variables = parser.parse();


{operator2=-9500.0, operator1=-9800.0}
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