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Strives for the bosses to solve, thank you very much


Training a Linux network basic setup

Training purpose
Master of Ethernet in the complete Linux system using the command line method,
Practical environment
Several PCS, Ethernet connectivity, RHEL6 operating system,
Training content
The ifconfig command to set the machine address is "192.168.100. Xx", the IP address of the virtual interface for "192.168.1. Xx", which is suitable for the machine number (xx,
Set the host configuration: (two)
IP address is "", the host called "localhost. Localdomain", alias for "localhost",
IP address is "192.168.100. Xx", the host called xjyxx.sdxy.com, alias for "sdxy", including y for the class number, xx for student id,
Set the DNS search for "192.168.100. Xx", server, called local host name,
Practical steps:

How to complete the above operation with webmin,

Training two Linux user Settings

Training purpose
Master with the command line to create user to modify the use of the user account attributes; Master the command line is used to implement group creation, editing, management method; Master use the user manager to create users, groups, and edit users, method of set of attributes,
Practical environment
Several PCS, RHEL6 operating system, as the root user login, installed the GNOME desktop,
Training content
Create a named "student", login user account called "net - stu", and set the password for.net - stu - xx (xx for student id),
Create a named "the teacher", login user account called "net - tea", and set the password for.net - tea - xx (xx for student id),
Belong to the bin group to set up a "student" user account, and set its name to stu,
Set the user account belongs to the root group, "the teacher" and set its name for the tea,
Create a group called "netstu", set the GID of 504 of the group, and the "student" to join the group, set up as a group administrator,
Create a group called "netadmin" system, and will be "the teacher" to join the group, set up as a group of administrators,
Practical steps

There is
How to create a user with Webmin way,

Practice three Samba server Settings

Training purpose:
To master the setting method of Shared server in Linux system, master how to realize the Linux and Windows Shared resource access methods,
Practical environment
Equipped with RHEL6 PC operating system and Windows operating system, the corresponding user Settings have been completed, the GNOME desktop environment has been set up, Ethernet has the connection is successful,
Training content
In native host alias set to share the server name, namely the netbios name=sdxy, set up the working group named workgroup
Login will be called ".net - stu "user login and user respectively called" net - tea "join the Samba user,
Under the root directory, set up a directory called "file", and change its permissions to view the code for "744", set up its share of the "net - stu" user permissions as read-only, the users on the "net - tea" share permissions to read and write,
From the Windows of Shared verification,
Practical steps

How in the Linux system how to realize the visit to the Windows resource,

Practice four DNS server Settings

Training purpose
To grasp the method of DNS server Settings; Learn to configure DNS server in Linux,
Practical environment
Equipped with RHEL6 PC operating system and Windows operating system, the corresponding user Settings have been completed, the GNOME desktop environment has been set up, Ethernet has the connection is successful,
Training content
Install the DNS server related software,
Configure DNS server required related configuration,
Create a named "sdxy" main standard area, and its reverse search area; With the local IP address to create a host, xjyxx.sdxy.com, and respectively set up three alias: www.sdxy.com, ftp.sdxy.com, mail.sdxy.com,
Verify that the Settings from the Windows operating system host name resolution,
Practical steps

There is
How to set up an alias record,

Practice five Apache server

Training purpose
Mastering the Apache server Settings; Learn to use the Apache build web server,
Practical environment
Equipped with RHEL6 PC operating system and Windows operating system, the corresponding user Settings have been completed, the GNOME desktop environment has been set up; The DNS server has been set, Ethernet has the connection is successful,
Training content
Install the Apache server software required
Create a default site with the default configuration, and accessed from Internet explorer,
Use the machine IP address, create a default site with www.sdxy.com as the host name in DNS Settings related resolution,
With the Windows operating system of the client to the Web site,
Practical steps

There is
How to use a non-standard port and aliases to complete a set of virtual Web hosting,

Practice six FTP server Settings

Training purpose
To master the working principle of the FTP server; Mastering the Vsftpd server erect; To master the use of FTP client,
Practical environment
Equipped with RHEL6 PC operating system and Windows operating system, the corresponding user Settings have been completed, the GNOME desktop environment has been set up; The DNS server has been set, Ethernet has the connection is successful,
Training content
The required software installed Vsftp
Use Vsftp default Settings to create a FTP site, and verification,
USES Vsftp create an FTP site, its corresponding IP address for the host address, domain name at ftp.sdxy.com, and set the anonymous users can only upload, local users can upload and download,
In Windows using domain name system verification,
Practical steps

There is
How to configure FTP server based on virtual users,

Practice seven DHCP server configuration

Training purpose
Master use DHCP to create DHCP server; Master in Linux using the DHCP service function,
Practical environment
Equipped with RHEL6 PC operating system and Windows operating system, the corresponding user Settings have been completed, the GNOME desktop environment has been set up; The DNS server has been set, Ethernet has the connection is successful,
Training content
Install the software required for DHCP
Complete the DHCP default Settings, and is verified using line command from Linux,
Set up a network segment based DHCP server, assign IP addresses to: ~ DCHCP server,
Practical steps
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