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After centos7.5 installation PHP7 no SimpleXML extension


Ali cloud centos7.5 by tsinghua mirror installation:
Install remi yum source
Yum -y install https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/remi/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm

Install PHP7.0
Yum -y install php70 - PHP php70 - PHP - devel php70 - PHP - FPM php70 - PHP - ldap php70 - PHP - mysqlnd php70 - PHP - mbstring php70 - PHP - pdo php70 - PHP - gd

After installed, no Simplexml extension, online data all say this is built-in, no additional installation; Someone said that under the installation: PHP - XML, PHP - simplexml
Yum install - enablerepo=remi - enablerepo=remi - php70 PHP - XML
Also the successful installation, restart the apache, but still no

Now have a TP3.2 project, by the Windows system migrated to centos, result not Simplexml extension, directly to the home page and ran up, tip: Call to undefined function Think \ simplexml_load_string ()

CodePudding user response:

Finally tried: yum install php70 - PHP - simplexml, ok, well,,
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