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Drag n drop in block area


I ran into this problem and don't know how to solve it. I need to drag and drop a point inside the map and save its new coordinates relative to the map.

Let's say I have a layout like in the picture I've attached. How can I get information about exactly where x or y in relation to this map I moved the element? I really need help!

I'm using HTML Drag And Drop, but I don't understand how to use the data that the event gives me to calculate thisenter image description here

CodePudding user response:

If you need x and y informations, in the event, you have x and y properties. For example :

function dodrop(event) {
  var dt = event.dataTransfer;
  var files = dt.files;

  var count = files.length;
  output("File Count: "   count   "\n");

  for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i  ) {
    output(" File "   i   ":\n("   (typeof files[i])   ") : <"   files[i]   " > "  
      files[i].name   " "   files[i].size   "\n");

function output(text) {
  document.getElementById("output").textContent  = text;
<div id="output" style="min-height: 200px; white-space: pre; border: 1px solid black;" ondragenter="document.getElementById('output').textContent = ''; event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault();" ondragover="event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault();"
  ondrop="event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault();

Then, look in the Console for (event).

All these informations are explained in the doc : https://developer.mozilla.org/fr/docs/Web/API/HTML_Drag_and_Drop_API

Hope this helps you.

CodePudding user response:

After many attempts, I found a solution. My code turned out like this. This way I keep the position of my points within my map!

P.S. I used Vue.js. Hope it's can help somebody.

<div >
      <img :src="props.currentItem.map_image" alt="Map" />
        v-for="item in itemsData"
        @dragstart="startDrag($event, sensor)"

const offsetX = ref(0);
const offsetY = ref(0);

const startDrag = (event: DragEvent, item: IItemInterface) => {
  const rect = (event.target as HTMLElement).getBoundingClientRect();

  offsetX.value = event.clientX - rect.x;
  offsetY.value = event.clientY - rect.y;

  if (event.dataTransfer) {
    event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move';
    event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move';
    event.dataTransfer.setData('itemId', item.id.toString());

const onDrop = (event: DragEvent) => {
  const dropZoneRect = (event.target as HTMLElement).getBoundingClientRect();
  const left = dropZoneRect.left;
  const top = dropZoneRect.top;

  const itemId = event.dataTransfer?.getData('itemId');
  const item = document.querySelector(`.item-${itemId}`);

  (sensor as HTMLElement).style.left =
    event.clientX - left - offsetX.value   'px';

  (sensor as HTMLElement).style.top =
    event.clientY - top - offsetY.value   'px';
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