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EagleOS 7.6 based on CentOS 7.6 customized optimization, welcomed the discussion


EagleOS documentation
A, the system description
EagleOS 7.6 custom optimization based on CentOS 7.6 depth, authentic,
EagleOS streamline 7.6 according to the DVD version of CentOS 7.6, the completely automatic unattended installation, support for greater than 2 TB disk partition automatically, integrated installation 517 packages, contains the common tools and dependent libraries, etc., make the machine efficiency, more efficient,
EagleOS 7.6 installed automatically after several system optimization are mainly as follows:
(1) disable selinux
(2) to disable ipv6
(3) some service disabled, the kernel parameter optimization such as
(4) integrated epel source, change the system default yum source for 163 source, source epel aliyun
(5) integration to install unrar, NTFS packages
After the installation is complete, the SSH port: 49156, the default IP:, system super user name: root, password: www.ip40.com,
Second, the system installation instructions
EagleOS system iso file download
Please go to the download eagle network backup eagleos7.6. Iso:
https://pan.xmyy.com/s/Oaq6P6cxBDu1aAT/download? Path=% 2 feagleos & amp; Files=eagleos7.6. Iso
EagleOS system installation
? Cd-rom installation: please send eagleos7.6. Iso burn into CD, the target server is set to start from the optical drive for installation,
? PXE network installation:
(1) the directory/images/pxeboot copy this CD to any directory Windows, double-click directly under this directory tftpd64. Exe, automatically start the pxe server (including the DHCP, TFTP, etc), can change the configuration, direct effect,
(2) under the Windows system to build web services, such as built-in iis web role win2008 system installation, the root directory of the web such as D: \ web \ pxe build such as eagleos7.6 subdirectories, will eagleos7.6. Iso into this eagleos7.6 subdirectory, modify the D: \ \ web \ pxe \ eagleos7.6 \ images in the pxeboot 10 eagleos7.6 *. CFG and D: \ \ web \ pxe \ eagleos7.6 \ images pxeboot \ pxelinux of CFG \ default for your web server IP,
(3) will the following code for the web. Config, saved in the root directory of the web such as D: \ web \ pxe, to ensure the normal download installation file during installation,
(4) the target server is set to start from the network installation, the installation can begin from the PXE EagleOS 7.6, of course, the target server and your web server must be network is interlinked,

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - the Start of the web. Config -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
<? The XML version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- the End of the web. Config -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
EagleOS system installation steps
(1) please make sure the target server has been configured raid disk configuration, will empty the hard disk data and subsequent installation process automation division, please make sure the target server on the target disk if there is any important data backup to another server!!!!!!
(2) the installation process will be automatically configured to connect to the Internet (as long as the physical unicom) card, so proposal will cable received the first card, especially under the condition of PXE installation, otherwise you will have to manually edit the configuration after installation network,
(3) the success from the CD or pxe network boot startup after the target server, you will see the following system installation interface (enter this interface, please quickly press the keyboard direction key key, the short 6 seconds delay over and avoid installation interface automatic starting system installation) :

Installing the interface installation options:
(1) the first is "Auto Install EagleOS System By www.xmyy.com", the installation process only needs you to manually hard disk partition and format the finished good interface specified in the boot startup disk, after are automatic unattended installation operation,
(2) the second is "Auto Install EagleOS and! Auto Partition! On sda "in/dev/sda on system installation,
(3) the third is the "Auto Install EagleOS and! Auto Partition! On SDB ", conducted on/dev/SDB system installation,
(4) the fourth is "Auto Install EagleOS and! Auto Partition! On vda "in/dev/system installed on the vda,
(5) item 5 is "Auto Install EagleOS and! Auto Partition! On VDB "in/dev/VDB on system installation,
6 item 6 is "Auto Install EagleOS with nginx By xmyy.com", the installation process only needs you to manually hard disk partition, formatting the finished good interface specified in the boot startup disk, after are automatic unattended installation operation, nginx service will start automatically after the installation is complete
7 (7) is "Auto Install EagleOS, nginx and! Auto Partition! On sda "in/dev/sda on system installation, nginx service will start automatically after the installation is complete
Was the eighth item is "Auto Install EagleOS, nginx and! Auto Partition! On SDB ", conducted on/dev/SDB system installation, nginx service will start automatically after the installation is complete
Item 9 pet-name ruby is "Auto Install EagleOS, nginx and! Auto Partition! On vda "in/dev/system installed on the vda, nginx service will start automatically after the installation is complete
Attending the first ten is "Auto Install EagleOS, nginx and! Auto Partition! On VDB "in/dev/VDB on system installation, nginx service will start automatically after the installation is complete
Note: the first (6) - (10), automatic install nginx, a manual compile optimization related packages installed, the corresponding software package and version is: openssl 1.1.1 b, jemalloc 5.2.0, pcre 8.43, nginx 1.14.2,
(4) the default installation interface stays in the above paragraph, can install according to the need to select the corresponding option and press enter to start the installation, depending on the different hardware configuration, the installation process 15 to 30 minutes,
(5) automation installation process will appear this kind of interface:

Until (till) the final black login interface, this system is successfully installed!
(6) in the login screen, enter the user name: root, password: www.ip40.com, you can log in the system, and then modify the network adapter configuration, assuming your network IP is:, gateway is:, can perform the following commands (note that your server nic name if not the same, need to modify the following red card name em1 card for your server name) modification:
Vi/etc/sysconfig/network - scripts/ifcfg - em1
# Generated by the parse to kickstart
UUID="dfd48d4c - 06 d9-412 - a - 9 f1b - a67f2fa1f964"
Need to modify the content is above the red words (UUID line of different servers is a different value, the trip to keep the same), then press the ESC key to exit the editor keyboard state, then input: wq can exit, and then execute the command: systemctl restart network restart the network service can, you can on this machine computer through SecureCRT or Xshell Telnet software for remote login this server!
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