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Linux operations back pan man counter attack


Beams from CSDN/Linux, morningstar

Reading 108, 02019-03-30

Xiao zhang, 3 years net work a, often complain about: the salary is not high, trivia, often back pan,

See a age, found that can't continue like this, asked me a way to counter attack!

Now that to say, and share it for you, by the way conclude more than ten years of experience in Linux operations,

Talk: yourself!

First contact with Linux was in 2000, at that time, I was in university, a returning students from Holland, back to a copy of the Linux version or personal edition Redhat6.2,

To install the system, we burn the midnight oil, then Linux learning materials is very few, can learn books, online community Linux technology much more, then by Redhat6.2 bring a few pages of instructions started Linux learning career,

The starting point of this is I learn Linux, actually learning Linux threshold is very low, as long as you want to learn, enthusiasm, has the ability to learn, can easily get started working a few months time,

Pan man back counter attack path

Linux: quick start?

Through what way to learn, then, can quick start Linux? I so many years of work and study, summarizes the following a set of methods, hope useful for everyone,

1> More hands-on practice, theory combined with the actual

This is so important that I have seen too many people, lazy to begin, feel able to read, understand, will not go to practice, the result think people know everything was dumbfounded working in real time,

Many Linux knowledge, such as the parameters of each command, said very clearly in books and look is also very easy to understand, but combined use, is not so easy, no hands-on practice for many times, the skill cannot be entirely,

2> The command line mode must be used to work

Linux under 90% of all operations are done on the command line, therefore, the command is must master, may have just transfer from Windows to Linux novice can feel difficult,

3 & gt; Choose a suitable own Linux distribution

Too many Linux distributions, currently about 300 multiple Linux distributions, but, please don't feel have no idea for this, according to the direction of the learning Linux, choose to suit their own distribution,

For example, if you like Linux Enterprise applications, want to work in the Linux server management, recommend learning CentOS version or Red Hat Enterprise Linux distributions. And if it is a development, test, etc., recommend you to choose the Ubuntu Linux; If you are already a Linux and intermediate scholars, want to further study, it is recommended that you choose to CentOS or Debian Linux, such as

4> Learn to take notes, write '

This I feel deeply, to learn more, are all forget, seen many beginners, learned, but because the working environment with less than temporarily, so quickly forget, can't learn in countless times?

Who will forget, but there is a way can let you forget quickly recovered after has studied the knowledge, that is to take notes, write a learning activity, to do very detailed notes, even like a laundry list is fine, as long as I can read it, especially in the learning process, he met, be sure to write detailed enough, so, at the time of this part needs to be familiar with the knowledge, can quickly awakened before memories,

If there is a condition, can have their own learning process by means of video recorded, so more help later cheat query, effect better,

5> Learn to self learning, independent learning

Core is the process of learning a skill, myself, cannot rely on anyone, no matter you are called the training course, or for personal training, they just you lead in the learning process, help you grasp the learning methods, their role is to help you little detours, their years of experience to share with you at the same time, in addition, other depend on yourself, so, in the process, to develop independent learning ability,

What is independent learning, that is, there is a problem, first solve themselves, can solve, that is progress, cannot be solved, then go and ask the teacher, that how to resolve, this need to rely on some online tools, the most typical is the search engine, there is a problem, the simplest is the copy of the mistakes to the search engine, 99% you can find the answer, this is the independent learning ability, moreover, can also through the use of Linux itself provides powerful online help document, QQ, WeChat technology exchange group, and other forms, question and solve the problem, can go to

Independent thinking and solving problems, not only exercise their own independent ability to solve problems, in technology but also improve quickly, if after asked the people to get the answer, think about why to do so, then do note-taking solution process, the most taboo is as long as have a problem, ask people, although this could quickly solve the problem, but the last encounter problems will rely on others, also won't progress on technology,

Operations: learn what?

Pan man back counter attack path

To be a qualified operations, technology is to learn a lot of, what are the specific, here is a simple conclusion: I do

1> Basic operational skills

Linux various installation

Hard disk RAID technology and RAID type

Linux initialization init system

System service management tool systemd and sysvinit

Introduction to shell programming under Linux

Linux under various commands using common (more than 80)

Source, yum, RPM install software

Linux user rights management

Linux disk and storage management (LVM, fdisk)

The Linux memory and memory mechanism (swap, free)

The Linux file system with the file system type selection (ext3/corruption/XFS/NFS)

Linux process management and monitoring the crond

2> Web operational skills

Based on the Apache LAMP architecture

Based on nginx LNMP architecture

Under the apache HTTPS, reverse proxy, Prefork MPM, the Worker MPM

Apache + jk + tomcat web architecture

Nginx reverse proxy, load balancing, HTTPS, PHP applications - FPM

3 & gt; Database operations skills

MySQL tuning strategies underlying common operations with

The use of Xtrabackup tool

MySQL Replication architecture

MySQL MHA high availability architecture

MySQL, speaking, reading and writing separate middleware proxysql

Redis memory database and the master-slave architecture

4> Performance tuning, troubleshooting skills

Method for evaluating the system tuning

CPU, memory, disk, network performance evaluation tool and method

Online Linux server based optimization skills

Linux software firewall iptables and rsync data backup

5> Automated operational skills

The use of ansible

Ansible use Playbooks manage complex task

The use of the puppet automation tool

The use of saltstack automation tool

6> Operational monitoring skills

Zabbix operational monitoring platform

Ganglia distributed data collection display platform

Nagios automatic alarm platform

Centreon integrated intelligent monitoring platform

7> Cluster architecture skills

Keepalived high availability cluster

The LVS load balancing cluster

HAProxy load balancing cluster

Keepalived integrate the LVS and HAProxy

8> Virtualization, big data skills

KVM virtualization and virtual machine management tool

ELK + Filebeat + Kafka + ZooKeeper log analysis platform architecture

The hadoop ecosystem and distributed cluster

Hbase, hive, distributed computing tools such as pig

Distributed computing graphs and yarn work

The spark distributed computing framework

9> Container, the container layout

Docker foundation and mirror, container, warehouse

Dockerfile custom image

Docker layout tools Compose use

Automation Kubernetes container operation platform (k8s)

Pan man back counter attack path

Be: high salary operations?

To become a qualified, high salaries of operations engineer, not only need the technical ability we said above, also need more personal quality and ability, summarized as follows:

Communication skills, team work

Initiative, the execution, energetic, compressive ability strong

Work calibrated boldness, come

Logical thinking ability, is humble

The ability of these seemingly dispensable, value most is the interviewer's point, it is higher than the technical ability to score, even, of course, technology is also a measure of operations staff, but I think only 30%,

Options: operations or development?

A lot of people to develop, think the ops position is very low, do are some grunt work, often back pan, you are wrong!

With cloud computing, big data such as the rapid development of operations this post will be more and more short, because the future is comprehensive professional skills, comprehensive skills and operations is a requirement for post,

I have seen many so-called cow force developers, doing all kinds of large projects (super must, after all), to develop all kinds of high concurrent system, can communication, found that these people do have superior place, but it is only in certain aspects of development,

Considering comprehensive skills, dare not flatter really, at least the network knowledge, system installation, and so on all can't, the refinement of division of labor in a large company, advantage can be reflected, and if in a small company, and have no advantage to speak of,

Future: ops + development

The future is a comprehensive skills of the world, with the development of operations this career, enterprise demand for operational skills are changing, now many operational positions, for example, require operations have the ability to develop and this is the so-called enterprise,

Enterprise is the abbreviation of "development" and "operations", but it is not only operational development, it is a set of processes, methods and system of collectively, to promote development (application/software engineering), between the technical operations and quality assurance (QA) department of communication, cooperation and integration,

Are seen in this direction, the future operational cooperation operations, public development trend, so the operations staff to cope with this trend, also need to master a language development, in fact, any language is ok, that want to recommend, is currently the most popular, of course, the most money go, python, PHP, etc., are not required to master, pick a thorough master it,

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