Home > OS >  Data table looks correct in Viewer and Tibble, but cells do not align correctly when exported to .cs
Data table looks correct in Viewer and Tibble, but cells do not align correctly when exported to .cs


I have been working on code that will extract four rows from every .CSV in a folder, compile the rows into a new table, and pivot wider so there is only one entry per each original .csv.

Everything works great until I try to write the resulting table to a .csv,

The table looks great in viewer and as a tibble. If I could just get this format to export to .csv I'd be thrilled.

enter image description here

However, when I export it using write.csv I get this:

enter image description here

It looks like each column is being exported as a cell and then copied for each row. I figure the problem is something to do with exporting after completing the pivot_wider function.

Here is my code. Everything works and I am not getting any errors, it just doesn't export the way I need it to.


#Create a list of files
files <-list.files(pattern = "*Correlations.csv")

# Create an empty object to store all combined rows
combined_df= data.frame(material=character(),

#Create empty object to temporarily collect data produced every run in the loop 
data_it= data.frame(matrix(ncol = 5, nrow = 4))
colnames(data_it) =c("material", "code", "measurement", "name", "spectra")

#Run a loop
for (j in 1:length(files)){
  data <- read_csv(files[j], skip = 2, col_names =c("material", "code", "measurement", "name", "spectra"))
  data_it$material <- data[3:6, 1]
  data_it$code <- data[3:6, 2]
  data_it$measurement<- data[3:6, 3]
  data_it$name <- paste(files[j])
  data_it$spectra <- c("spectra 1", "spectra 2", "spectra 3", "spectra 4")
  combined_df <- rbind(combined_df, data_it)

#pivot table so that there is one row per file
                            names_from = spectra, 
                            values_from = c(material, code, measurement),
                            names_vary = "slowest")

#export to .csv
write.csv(combined_pivot, file ="combined_results.csv")

Here is a sample of one of the .csv files I am trying to extract from. I have hundreds of these with 100 rows each and I just need the top three rows from each one

material code measurement
animal furs/natural polyamides 13 0.6777
animal furs/natural polyamides 13 0.6065
cellulose/plant fibres 14 0.5725
animal furs/natural polyamides 13 0.5698
animal furs/natural polyamides 13 0.5171
animal furs/natural polyamides 13 0.5128
animal furs/natural polyamides 13 0.4932
animal furs/natural polyamides 13 0.4904

Thanks for reading and for any suggestions. I am new to R and out of ideas.

CodePudding user response:

Without the data to check and write code, I cannot fix it, however I see the fault. So take this as suggestions rather than answers.

You are generating lists (of 4 things) inside each "cell" of combined_df.

I think you need to pivot_wider inside your for loop before you rbind, so as to break up each files data into 4 lines before you start to add them to a "master" table.

The other way to do it (using for loops) is to have a nested loop inside your original loop that is doing the 3:6 part to a new line each time.

for (i in 3:6){
data_it$material[some variable in here that represents a new line each time] <- data[i, 1]}

as an example, extrapolate from there. The first way seems easier. Good luck

EDIT again:

I mean, you really need a triple nested loop.

One to grab the files

Next to increment your final table each row as you grab the data.

Next to grab the data each line 3:6 (Also has the nested counter to increment the 2nd for loop)

CodePudding user response:

I was able to get it to export by using:

combined_df2 <-as.data.table(combined_df)

before running the pivot.

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