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How can I find what quarter of the year a month is in based on the number the month corresponds to


I am on codewars, here is the challenge:

Given a month as an integer from 1 to 12, return to which quarter of the year it belongs as an integer number.
For example: month 2 (February), is part of the first quarter; month 6 (June), is part of the second quarter; and month 11 (November), is part of the fourth quarter.

Here is what I tried:

const quarterOf = (month) => {
  // Your code here
  if (month <= 3) {
    return 1
  } else if (6 >= month > 3) {
    return 2
  } else if (9 >= month > 6) {
    return 3
  } else if (12 >= month > 9) {
    return 4

This doesn't seem to work, I know I could assign each month a variable, but I'm trying to improve my skills, can someone explain why this does not work to me?

CodePudding user response:

This is simple you are trying to check for two conditions in one statement try to use && and || for separation of conditions your code will look like this:

const quarterOf = (month) => {
  // Your code here
  if (month <= 3) {
  return 1
  } else if (6 >= month && month > 3) {
    return 2
  } else if (9 >= month && month > 6) {
    return 3
  } else if (12 >= month && month > 9) {
    return 4

CodePudding user response:

All you need is

const quarterOf = (month) =>
  if (month <=  3) return 1
  if (month <=  6) return 2
  if (month <=  9) return 3
  return 4


const quarterOf = month => Math.ceil(month / 3);

CodePudding user response:

Probably the simples solution unless you want 3x if:

const quarterOf = (month) {
  return Math.floor(month / 3   1);
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