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Swift Data Model from JSON Response


I am running into an issue building the correct data model for the following JSON response.

  "resources": [
      "courseid": 4803,
      "color": "Blue",
      "teeboxtype": "Championship",
      "slope": 121,
      "rating": 71.4
      "courseid": 4803,
      "color": "White",
      "teeboxtype": "Men's",
      "slope": 120,
      "rating": 69.6
      "courseid": 4803,
      "color": "Red",
      "teeboxtype": "Women's",
      "slope": 118,
      "rating": 71.2

Here is the current model. No matter what I do I can't seem to get the model populated. Here is also my URL session retrieving the data. I am new to Swift and SwiftUI so please be gentle. I am getting data back however I am missing something.

import Foundation

struct RatingsResources: Codable {
    let golfcourserating : [GolfCourseRating]?
    struct GolfCourseRating: Codable {
        let id: UUID = UUID()
        let courseID: Int?
        let teeColor: String?
        let teeboxtype: String?
        let teeslope: Double?
        let teerating: Double?
        enum CodingKeysRatings: String, CodingKey {
            case courseID = "courseid"
            case teeColor = "color"
            case teeboxtype
            case teeslope = "slope"
            case teerating = "rating"

    func getCoureRating(courseID: String?) {
       let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore (value: 0)
       print("GETTING COURSE TEE RATINGS..........")
       let urlString: String = "https://api.golfbert.com/v1/courses/\(courseID ?? "4800")/teeboxes"
       print ("API STRING: \(urlString) ")
       let url = URLComponents(string: urlString)!
       let request = URLRequest(url: url.url!).signed
       let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in
       let decoder = JSONDecoder()
            guard let data = data else {
                print(String(describing: error))
               if let response = try? JSONDecoder().decode([RatingsResources].self, from: data) {
                   DispatchQueue.main.async {
                       self.ratingresources = response

           print("*******Data String***********")
           print(String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!)
           let ratingsData: RatingsResources = try! decoder.decode(RatingsResources.self, from: data)
           print("Resources count \(ratingsData.golfcourserating?.count)")


CodePudding user response:

First of all, never use try? while decoding your JSON. This will hide all errors from you. Use try and an appropriate do/catch block. In the catch block at least print the error.

Looking at your model there seem to be three issues here.

  • You don´t have an array of RatingsResources in your array. It is just a single instance.

    let response = try JSONDecoder().decode(RatingsResources.self, from: data)
  • RatingsResources is not implemented correct.

    let golfcourserating : [GolfCourseRating]?

    should be:

    let resources: [GolfCourseRating]?
  • Your coding keys are implemented wrong instead of:

    enum CodingKeysRatings: String, CodingKey {

    it should read:

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {

CodePudding user response:

You should add enum CodingKey with resources at struct RatingsResources

And decode:

if let response = try? JSONDecoder().decode(RatingsResources.self, from: data) {
  // Your response handler
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