(GDB) b do_timer
Breakpoint at 0 x73dd: 1 file sched. C, line 307.
(GDB) c
Breakpoint 1, do_timer (CPL=3) at sched. C: 307
307 sched. C: no files or directories.
(GDB)/5 x wx 0 x73dd
0 x73dd & lt; Do_timer & gt; X1974c085 x00021b40 xa11cec83 0 0 0:0 x021b40a1
0 x73ed & lt; Do_timer + 16 & gt; : 0 x40a34800
(GDB) disass 0 x73dd
The Dump of assembler code for the function do_timer:
=& gt; 0 x000073dd & lt; + 0 & gt; : sub $0 x1c, % esp
0 x000073e0 & lt; + 3 & gt; : mov 0 x21b40, % eax
0 x000073e5 & lt; + 8 & gt; : test % eax and % eax
0 x000073e7 & lt; + 10 & gt; : je 0 x7402 & lt; Do_timer + 37 & gt;
0 x000073e9 & lt; + 12 & gt; : mov 0 x21b40, % eax
0 x000073ee & lt; + 17 & gt; : dec % eax
0 x000073ef & lt; + 18 & gt; : mov % eax, 0 x21b40
0 x000073f4 & lt; + 23 & gt; : mov 0 x21b40, % eax
0 x000073f9 & lt; + 28 & gt; : test % eax and % eax
0 x000073fb & lt; + 30 & gt; : developed 0 x7402 & lt; Do_timer + 37 & gt;
0 x000073fd & lt; + 32 & gt; : call 0 x16725 & lt; Sysbeepstop>
0 x00007402 & lt; + 37 & gt; : CMPL $0 x0, 0 x20 (% esp)
0 x00007407 & lt; + 42 & gt; : je 0 x741d & lt; Do_timer + 64 & gt;
0 x00007409 & lt; + 44 & gt; : mov 0 x1cec0, % eax
0 x0000740e & lt; + 49 & gt; : mov 0 x250 (% eax), % edx
0 x00007414 & lt; + 55 & gt; % edx: inc
0 x00007415 & lt; + 56 & gt; : mov % edx, 0 x250 (% eax)
0 x0000741b & lt; + 62 & gt; : JMP 0 x742f & lt; Do_timer + 82 & gt;
0 x0000741d & lt; + 64 & gt; : mov 0 x1cec0, % eax
0 x00007422 & lt; + 69 & gt; : mov 0 x254 (% eax), % edx
0 x00007428 & lt; + 75 & gt; % edx: inc
0 x00007429 & lt; + 76 & gt; : mov % edx, 0 x254 (% eax)
- the Type & lt; Return> To continue, or q & lt; Return> To quit - q
The Quit
(GDB)/6 x wx 0 x73dd
0 x73dd & lt; Do_timer & gt; X1974c085 x00021b40 xa11cec83 0 0 0:0 x021b40a1
0 x73ed & lt; Do_timer + 16 & gt; X40a34800 0:0 xa100021b
(GDB) info breakpoint1
Undefined the info command: "breakpoint1". Try "help inf