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The Linux foundation notes (shortcut)


1. Commonly used Linux virtual terminal shortcut:

The CTRL + shift +=amplification Linux terminal window font

Narrow. CTRL + - Linux terminal window font

. CTRL + left or right click to quickly locate the words of the start and end

. The CTRL + home or end position to the beginning of a line end-of-line

CTRL + A or E position to the beginning of A line end-of-line

. CTRL + K/K all parts of the cursor position is eliminated in the

. CTRL + W/W to clear a word before the current cursor position

. CTRL + U/U directly to remove the entire line command

. The TAB key to auto-complete path or search

.!!!!! Copy and executes a command on the

Sudo!! Switch permissions

.! Commands in the command execution history beginning + history

. Returns the last time the folder

2. Create a shortcut to the Linux file:

Enter/usr/share/applications folder

Enter the folder, enter the ls -l will display all the shortcut, is with the desktop file suffix,

Editor: do you want to create shortcut

Sudo vim clion. Desktop (note with root privileges, otherwise can't save)

The text is as follows:

[the Desktop Entry]


Name=clion//shortcut Name

Comment=Clion IDE

The Exec=/home/your username
/software/clion - 2018.1.4/bin/clion. Sh//software executable path

Icon=/home/your username
/software/clion - 2018.1.4/bin/clion. PNG//icon path

Whether Terminal=false//start Terminal (black box)



Categories=Application; Development;
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