Home > OS >  readP in Haskell has output that doesn't match the intended input when using the string
readP in Haskell has output that doesn't match the intended input when using the string


I am trying to write a simple parser in Haskell using readP and following some pre-made code examples I have found.

I use the following:

import Data.Char

import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))

type Parser a = ReadP a 

type ParseError = String  

space :: Parser Char
space = satisfy isSpace

spaces :: Parser String 
spaces = many space

space1 :: Parser String
space1 = many1 space

symbol :: String -> Parser String
symbol = token . string

schar :: Char -> Parser Char
schar = token . char

token :: Parser a -> Parser a
token combinator = spaces >> combinator

runParser = readP_to_S

e :: Parser Int

e = do t
t :: Parser Int
t = (do string "0"
        return 0)
    (do string "1" 
        return 1)

parseString input = runParser (e >> eof) input

However I get the following output:

ghci> parseString "1"
ghci> parseString "0"
ghci> parseString ""

Whereas I would expect the following output

ghci> parseString "1"
ghci> parseString "0"
ghci> parseString ""

How come that is? And is there a way to make it print these outputs instead?

CodePudding user response:

The new code is better, but there is still an issue here

parseString input = runParser (e >> eof) input

Adding >> eof discards the result of e. To retain it, we can either use

parseString input = runParser (e <* eof) input

Or, with a more basic approach:

whole :: Parser Int
whole = do
   val <- e       -- save the value produced by e
   eof            -- ensure the end of the parsed string
   return val     -- return the saved value

parseString input = runParser whole input

In either case, we get:

> parseString "1"

Note that the first component of the pair in the list is 1, an Int. Indeed, it has the same type mentioned in the signature whole :: Parser Int.

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