I have a list of dictionaries in this form: (example) [{name: aa, year: 2022}, {name: aa, year: 2021}, {name: bb, year: 2016}, {name: cc, year: 2015}]
. What i need is to remove the items where the name is the same, but make a list where the years are added together (every year can be in a list, for my purposes, this doesn't matter). So the example list of dictionaries would look like this: [{name: aa, year: [2022, 2021}, {name: bb, year: [2016]}, {name: cc, year: [2015]}]. My current code looks like this.
def read_csv_file(self, path):
book_list = []
with open(path) as f:
read_dict = csv.DictReader(f)
for i in read_dict:
bestsellers = []
for i in list_of_books:
seen_books = []
years_list = []
if i["Name"] not in seen_books:
if i['Genre'] == 'Non Fiction':
bestsellers.append(FictionBook(i["Name"], i["Author"], float(i["User Rating"]), int(i["Reviews"]), float(i["Price"]), years_list, i["Genre"]))
bestsellers.append(NonFictionBook(i["Name"], i["Author"], float(i["User Rating"]), int(i["Reviews"]), float(i["Price"]), years_list, i["Genre"]))
for i in bestseller:
Ultimately my code needs to extract data from a csv file and then create instances of the class Fictionbook or Nonfictionbook depending on the genre. I think i have the CSV file and making the books finished, i just need to filter the near-duplicate dictionaries and merge them in the lists of years if that makes sense. If anything is unclear please let me know, so i can explain further.
CodePudding user response:
Use dict.setdefault()
to create a list if the key has not yet been seen:
lod=[{'name': 'aa', 'year': 2022}, {'name': 'aa', 'year': 2021}, {'name': 'bb', 'year': 2016}, {'name': 'cc', 'year': 2015}]
for d in lod:
result.setdefault(d['name'], []).append(d['year'])
>>> result
{'aa': [2022, 2021], 'bb': [2016], 'cc': [2015]}
Then put the list back together:
>>> [{'name': n, 'year': v} for n,v in result.items()]
[{'name': 'aa', 'year': [2022, 2021]}, {'name': 'bb', 'year': [2016]}, {'name': 'cc', 'year': [2015]}]
CodePudding user response:
This works:
dict_list = [{'name': 'aa', 'year': 2022}, {'name': 'aa', 'year': 2021}, {'name': 'bb', 'year': 2016}, {'name': 'cc', 'year': 2015}]
new_dict_list = []
names_seen = set()
for name in [d['name'] for d in dict_list]:
if not name in names_seen:
new_dict_list.append({'name':name, 'year':[d['year'] for d in dict_list if d['name']==name]})
# Out[68]:
# [{'name': 'aa', 'year': [2022, 2021]},
# {'name': 'bb', 'year': [2016]},
# {'name': 'cc', 'year': [2015]}]