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How to add stars for significance level with odds ratio for polr?


My question is at the very bottom of this post.

Here is an example of codes that is very similar to the method I use:

url <- "http://peopleanalytics-regression-book.org/data/soccer.csv"
soccer <- read.csv(url)

##   discipline n_yellow_25 n_red_25 position result country level
## 1       None           4        1        S      D England     1
## 2       None           2        2        D      W England     2
## 3       None           2        1        M      D England     1
## 4       None           2        1        M      L Germany     1
## 5       None           2        0        S      W Germany     1
## 6       None           3        2        M      W England     1

## 'data.frame':    2291 obs. of  7 variables:
##  $ discipline : chr  "None" "None" "None" "None" ...
##  $ n_yellow_25: int  4 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 4 3 ...
##  $ n_red_25   : int  1 2 1 1 0 2 2 0 3 3 ...
##  $ position   : chr  "S" "D" "M" "M" ...
##  $ result     : chr  "D" "W" "D" "L" ...
##  $ country    : chr  "England" "England" "England" "Germany" ...
##  $ level      : int  1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 ...

# convert discipline to ordered factor
soccer$discipline <- ordered(soccer$discipline, 
                             levels = c("None", "Yellow", "Red"))

# check conversion

# apply as.factor to four columns
cats <- c("position", "country", "result", "level")
soccer[ ,cats] <- lapply(soccer[ ,cats], as.factor)

# check again

# run proportional odds model
model <- polr(
  formula = discipline ~ n_yellow_25   n_red_25   position   
    country   level   result, 
  data = soccer

# get summary

## Call:
## polr(formula = discipline ~ n_yellow_25   n_red_25   position   
##     country   level   result, data = soccer)
## Coefficients:
##                   Value Std. Error t value
## n_yellow_25     0.32236    0.03308  9.7456
## n_red_25        0.38324    0.04051  9.4616
## positionM       0.19685    0.11649  1.6899
## positionS      -0.68534    0.15011 -4.5655
## countryGermany  0.13297    0.09360  1.4206
## level2          0.09097    0.09355  0.9724
## resultL         0.48303    0.11195  4.3147
## resultW        -0.73947    0.12129 -6.0966
## Intercepts:
##             Value   Std. Error t value
## None|Yellow  2.5085  0.1918    13.0770
## Yellow|Red   3.9257  0.2057    19.0834
## Residual Deviance: 3444.534 
## AIC: 3464.534

# get coefficients (it's in matrix form)
coefficients <- summary(model)$coefficients

# calculate p-values
p_value <- (1 - pnorm(abs(coefficients[ ,"t value"]), 0, 1))*2

# bind back to coefficients
coefficients <- cbind(coefficients, p_value)

# calculate odds ratios
odds_ratio <- exp(coefficients[ ,"Value"])

# combine with coefficient and p_value
(coefficients <- cbind(
  coefficients[ ,c("Value", "p_value")],

Doing this i get the following output:

##                      Value      p_value odds_ratio
## n_yellow_25     0.32236030 0.000000e 00  1.3803820
## n_red_25        0.38324333 0.000000e 00  1.4670350
## positionM       0.19684666 9.105456e-02  1.2175573
## positionS      -0.68533697 4.982908e-06  0.5039204
## countryGermany  0.13297173 1.554196e-01  1.1422177
## level2          0.09096627 3.308462e-01  1.0952321
## resultL         0.48303227 1.598459e-05  1.6209822
## resultW        -0.73947295 1.083595e-09  0.4773654
## None|Yellow     2.50850778 0.000000e 00 12.2865822
## Yellow|Red      3.92572124 0.000000e 00 50.6896241

My question
However I want stars with odds ratios. How is this possible with THIS method? If possible I would like to also add the standard error.
I do not want to use modelsummary() or gtsummary()

CodePudding user response:

How about this:

url <- "http://peopleanalytics-regression-book.org/data/soccer.csv"
soccer <- read.csv(url)

soccer$discipline <- ordered(soccer$discipline, 
                             levels = c("None", "Yellow", "Red"))
cats <- c("position", "country", "result", "level")
soccer[ ,cats] <- lapply(soccer[ ,cats], as.factor)

#> Attaching package: 'MASS'
#> The following object is masked _by_ '.GlobalEnv':
#>     cats
model <- polr(
  formula = discipline ~ n_yellow_25   n_red_25   position   
    country   level   result, 
  data = soccer

coefficients <- summary(model)$coefficients
#> Re-fitting to get Hessian

# calculate p-values
p_value <- (1 - pnorm(abs(coefficients[ ,"t value"]), 0, 1))*2

# bind back to coefficients
coefficients <- cbind(coefficients, p_value)

# calculate odds ratios
coefficients <- cbind(coefficients, odds_ratio = exp(coefficients[ ,"Value"]))

# combine with coefficient and p_value
printCoefmat(coefficients[ ,c("Value", "Std. Error", "odds_ratio", "p_value")], 
#>                    Value Std. Error odds_ratio   p_value    
#> n_yellow_25     0.322360   0.033078     1.3804 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> n_red_25        0.383243   0.040505     1.4670 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> positionM       0.196847   0.116487     1.2176   0.09105 .  
#> positionS      -0.685337   0.150112     0.5039 4.983e-06 ***
#> countryGermany  0.132972   0.093599     1.1422   0.15542    
#> level2          0.090966   0.093547     1.0952   0.33085    
#> resultL         0.483032   0.111951     1.6210 1.598e-05 ***
#> resultW        -0.739473   0.121293     0.4774 1.084e-09 ***
#> None|Yellow     2.508508   0.191826    12.2866 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> Yellow|Red      3.925721   0.205714    50.6896 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Created on 2022-12-06 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

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